¤ Chapter 19 ¤

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Chapter 19

Alyshia's POV


I lied down on my bed and all I could think about was Baekhyun.

Man I liked him ever since we met.

On the very first day that I bumped into him.

But I couldn't do anything about it. Having Mark stupidly trick me into believing he's my fiance.

So I just kept quiet about it.

Then I had dreams of him becoming my enemy when he really wasn't.

So I was all mean to him and avoided him.

But then it was all a misunderstanding.

And he got the guts to confess to me but yet I was still cold towards him and lied to him. 

Really Alyshia? Really?

Eugh. You're pathetic.

I looked at the clock and it was like 8 and I had a headache so I tried to go to sleep.

"Alyshia! You need to hide! Run!"

"What? Daddy why?"

"Because you're in big danger!"

"Big danger..??"

"Yes! Hurry up and go Alyshia!!!! YOU'RE GONNA GET HURT!!!!!!"

"Daddy there's people behind you!"

"Oh god.. Too late..."

"Daddy what's happening!? Why are they grabbing you like that!?"


"Oh ho ho ho. No one is going now."(Scary Guy)


"You have to watch your father DIE right, in front, of, your eyes."(Scary Guy)


"Kill him."(Scary Guy)

And the guys holding dad started punching him and hurting him in every way possible.


"Alyshia, just remember, your daddy lov-"




-looks at clock-

God. That stupid dream again. Aish. I'm gonna kill the people who killed my dad once in for all.

Its 10... Everyone should be asleep by now... WAIT... I've been sleeping for 2 hours.. O-o Dayuuuum. 2 hours and that dream was like 3 minutes... Oosh.

I put a hood on and sneakily went outside in the cold air. -sigh- I thought about life. Wait no. Let me rephrase that. I thought about BAEKHYUN. God.. I feel so bad... You know what? The next time I see him I'm just gonna tell him how I feel.

I'll probably feel better.

Then someone grabbed me from behind and put me to sleep. I tried to get out of their grip but it didn't work, and eventually they punched me to get me asleep.

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