¤ Chapter 15 ¤

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Chapter 15

Alyshia's POV

"No. You're still here. I can sense you. Light holder."


"Now turn visible back again before I kill your friends."

"Trying to threaten me huh?!"

"Haha. I knew you're still here."

"Shut up Yoona."

"Woah woah. Alyshia stay calm."

"Yeaaaaaah no. Not gonna happen."


"No don't gosh me after killing my brother right in front of my eyes."

"Then give me your powers."

"No!! Alyshia!!! You cant just give them your powers!!! They're gonna be able to control the world with those powers! You need to combine your powers with the other light holder!"

"No! Never!"

I then clicked in both hands and I disappeared... Its either I disappeared or Yoona disappeared....

"Alyshia you're okay right?!"

"..... Mark?"

"I was so worried about you..."

"Where are we...??"

"At your house..."

"Oh.. Oh yea, okay. So where's the rest?"

"At the light centre."


"They went to visit Jil Un and Lin Sook."

"Oh. Okay."

"You gonna go too?"


"Okay I'll drive y-"

I clicked both my hands and clapped again then got to the light centre.

"Haha. Alyshia. I see you're slowly learning how to use your powers."

"Yeah.. I'm trying to get the hang of it Jil Un >.>"


"Alyshia!!!!!"(Lin Sook)

"Naaaw Lin Sook!! Miss me hey?"

"Yeah. She only calls for you.. Its kinda sad..."(Louisa)


"Yeah. She doesnt like us >.>"(Belle)

"Oh wow guys. You can't be jealous of me. I'm younger than the majority of you guys."

"-sigh- That's what saddens me the most."(Vivian)


"Alyshia don't do it."(Jil Un)


"Don't try fighting them. You're not ready."(Jil Un)

I looked at the rest in confusion. Did they tell Jil Un...?

"Yeah. They told me about it."(Jil Un)

"But Jil Un... I don't want anyone else getting hurt..."

"Alyshia don't try. Please. You're just gonna get hurt."(Jil Un)

"I rather be hurt than have the closest people to me get hurt..."

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