¤ Chapter 3 ¤

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Chapter 3

Alyshia's POV


She knows how I feel...? Is she...

"Not as in knowing about being a light holder but knowing how it feels to hate something so much."

"Oh.. Right..."


"Belle are you a light holder?"

"WHAT?! PSH! NO! You wish TT_TT"

"Haha. Okay. Just.. If you are then don't hide it from me... The faster we know who the other light holder is, the better. We can defeat them faster and easier."

"Alyshia T-T I am not a light holder. Ayah."

"Okay okay sorry. But just saying.."


"Anyway. What brings you here?"

"Oh. Right. I'm here to tell you I got news about the other light holder, and YOUR dark holder. The person chasing you."

"The person chasing me...? Who is it?"

"Well. We don't know a lot about that person yet. After you killed the dark holder who was chasing you before that Kim Tae who was apparently their best dark holder, they got a better and skillful dark holder. Well someone who could probably beat you."


"The thing we DO know about the dark holder chasing you is that she's a girl."

"Huh? A girl this time?"

"Yeah. Apparently they thought of making a girl fight a girl because girls can just hit guys in their thing..."

"Hmm.. Do you know anything else about her?"

"Apparently she's pretty. And the worst thing of all."

"What is it..."

"She's here in Korea."

"... Are you serious?!"

"Yeah. We don't know how she looks like. OR where she is. But she's here in Korea."

"Aish... How did they track me down so fast.."


"Anyway. What about the other light holder??"

"The other light holder is a guy.."


"And is here in Korea.."


"Whats wrong?"

"I met this guy at school.. I think he's the other light holder..."


"Yeah. Also, I want to get the symbol on my arm removed."


"Because I don't want the dark holder who is chasing me know who I am. I have a plan."

"But its gonna hurt if you take it out!!"

"Belle, its for my safety and I don't want it to start flashing in the middle of class like what happened today."

"Wait.. So you're saying..."

"A dark holder is in my class."

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