Chapter 2

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"Hey,  where are you?" I heard Bethany's voice on the other end.

"Hey B,  are you sitting down. " I said.

" Sure yeah I am. " she said.

" I'm in Adelaide at the hospital. " I said.

" what,  how,  why?! " Bethany said worried.

" I got hit by a car last night,  I got flown here for surgery." I explained.

"your not pranking me are you? " she asked.

" no unfortunately not this time B. " I said.

" OK,  I'm with Liam though. " I said.

" ooh really,  lucky you, now you can shut up about him. " Bethany said.

" yeah yeah B. " I said then turning on my camera to take a selfie with Liam.

" there, not joking B. " I said as I send it.

" oh shit your serious how bad is it. " she asked.

"I have a broken arm,  buried ribs and I fractured my shoulder and got surgery on it. "I said.

" OK. " she said."  does your Liam talk Orr just listen to us talking?" Bethany asked.

"To be honest she's mine and nice to meet you Bethany. " Liam pipped up with a smirk.

" nice to meet you too Liam,  Hayley never shuts up about you. " Bethany said making me brush a deep pink.

"well we got to go B,  I'll talk to you tomorrow."  I said.

"OK,  nice meeting you Liam and take after her for me. " Bethany said.

" you too and of course I will. " Liam said.

" well bye skyder. " she said.

" bye B. " I said then hang up.

" she seems nice. " Liam said.

" she is. " I said with a sigh leaning back a bit.

" so you talk about me a lot huh? " Liam asked with a teasing tone.

" your hot how could I not. " I said like it was nothing

" I'm not but you how ever... " Liam trailed off.

" I hate my look,  my body though. " I said looking into his eyes.

" your beautiful to me along with hot and sexy. " Liam said putting his hand on the side of my cheek pulling me closer to him as he leaned in towards me,  I do the same. I felt his lips on mine and placed my hand on his cheek,  our lips moved in sync.  Liam's lips were warm and soft. He pulled away so we could catch our breath,  Liam stared into my eyes with a smile on his lips,  I did to.

"I could get used to that. " Liam said with his hand still on my cheek and jaw.

" me too. " I said and we both leaned in again for another kiss.  He traced his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly gave,  our tongues fought for dominance.  Liam took control of the kiss,  it was full of love and passion.  I pulled back needing to catch my breath but that didn't stop Liam,  he moved to my jaw and down my neck sucking and nipping the skin.  Liam moved back up my jaw until our lips met in another passionate kiss.

We pulled back to gaze at each other then there was a knock on the door.

"come in. " Liam said then the doctor came in and smiled at us.

" How are you feeling Hayley, Liam? " Dr wicky asked standing in front of us.

" A little sore but all good other wise. " I said answering his question.

" well ok, oh and Hayley you have a visitor. " Dr wicky said.

" who? " I asked.

" uh I think his name was Tommy. " Dr wicky said.

" OK well I'll see you later then. " I said to Liam.

" OK then see you later. " Liam said giving me a peck on the cheek. I got up and left the room heading down to my room,  I walked in and saw Tommy sitting on my bed.

" Skye you okay? " Tommy asked as I closed the door and sat next to him on the bed.

" I'm pretty sore but I'll live. " I said looking down.

" how bad is it? " Tommy asked.

" I got a broken arm as you can see,  bruised ribs and I fractured my shoulder and had to get surgery on it." I explained looking down still. "Tommy how did you know where I was?  I haven't told you yet.?"  I asked curiously.

"well the guy that hit you was my uncle,  he told me and I made him bring me so I could see you. " Tommy explained to me.

I didn't reply. I was too shocked.  Tommy's uncle was the one that hit me.

" Skye please don't be mad... " Tommy begged grabbing my hand.

" No no no Tommy I'm not mad I was just shocked. " I said looking at Tommy.

" your not mad? " he asked with hope in his eyes.

" no I'm not.  I'm glad your here with me Tommy. " I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

" oh uh um me too. " Tommy said blushing a little bit.

" son we gotta go now." a man walked in and looked at us.

"OK dad,  Skye this is my dad,  dad this is my friend Skye. " Tommy said.

" Hello Skye,  I'm sorry about my brother he was drunk when he hit you. " Tommy's dad said.

" hi and it's ok.  I'll text you later then T. " I said turning to look at Tommy.

" well I'll wait out here. " toys dad said then left. " get well soon. " he said as he shut the door.

" well I'll text you later then Skye. " Tommy said still holding onto my hand.

" yea and thanks for visiting me. " I said pulling Tommy close to wrap my arms around him carefully and Tommy hugged me back tight but carefully.

" of course....  I got to go so bye. " Tommy said pulling away from the hug.

" OK,  bye Tommy. " I said then Tommy leaned in and kissed my cheek then left.

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