"Time of the month"

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A/N: If you are squeamish about (as SJM calls it) bleedings, then skip this story, i'll keep most of the blood out but I know some people don't like to hear about any of it. 

Feyre's POV

Rhys was gone when it started 20 minutes ago. Now I'm lying on the floor in the most intricate position, but it's the only one that doesn't feel like theres an arrow in my uterus. Everything hurts, this is my first cycle since I've become Fae, and it's worse, way worse. Rhys should be back soon, and I've got stuff to do. I pull myself up, making a bunch of groaning noises. The pain rushes back, along with fresh nausea. Annoyed I walk out of my room and into the comfy sitting room of the town house. 

"Feyre" Cassian calls from his seat on the couch between Nesta and Armen. "Why do you smell of blood?" His face a mask of alarm. 

"Mind your business" I respond. Scanning the room for a seat, the only one left is a white chair, I glare at it, before taking a seat leaning against Mor's chair, she gives me a knowing look, but doesn't comment. 

"What else do we have to do before Rhys gets back?" Mor asks

"we've got most of it done, someone just has to read these last 5 letters." Az informs us. 

"I'm on it." I say standing up trying, and failing, not to groan. 

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" Cassian asks. I give him a vulgar gesture, taking the letters from Az and striding into my room. 

I read the first 4 letters, occasionally jotting down things Rhys should know, but the fifth letter , instead of being addressed to "The High lord and Lady of the night court" Was addressed to "Feyre and Rhysand, High lady and lord of the night court" This letter was written by a 10 year old girl and she spent the whole letter thanking me and Rhys for saving her and her family, by the end, I was in tears, though I suppose hormones could be to blame. I get up and fill a cup with some water. But I don't get to even finish it because I lay back down on the floor, too afraid to ruin the bedsheets, and fall asleep. 

Rhys POV:

I fly back from a tedious meeting with Tarquin. I usually would have brought Feyre along, but she asked to stay back, so she could learn more about being high lady. I land on the front steps. And I smell her blood the second I open the door, the sent sending me into a blind rage, I follow the sent to our room. Along the way I find Cassian standing by the door. 

"Where's Feyre? Whats wrong?" The words sounding more panicked than I wanted. 

"I don't know, she wouldn't tell me" He said, sounding worried.

I step past him to open the door, and close the door behind me. I find her on the floor, panic takes over until I realize she's just sleeping. I lift her into my arms, moving to put her on the bed. 

She shifts enough in my arms that I know she's awake. 

"Feyre, whats wrong?"

"Nothing?" She moans. 

Rage begins to build. "Don't lie to me, I can smell your blood" 

"It's just my 'Bleedings' as you Illrians like to call it" My rage slips as I realize she isn't dying. 

"Do you have enough supplies?" 

She nods, "lets get you in bed" I move to put her down on the bed. 

"No, it'l ruin the sheets"

 I almost laugh. "trust me, you are way more import than any sheets, ever" I put her down on the bed, and she shifts until she's in a position that I swear could not be comfortable, but she falls right asleep. 

Feyre pov

I wake up to find a box of chocolates and a heating pad, with a note attached

I hope this helps the pain


Word total:664 

I'm sorry this one is so bad, I have another ACOTAR idea that i'll write soon, but it's 12:45 am. After that I will write A TOG one I swear. 

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