"No." I quickly shook my head. "I don't need my Officer freaking out over this and besides, I can't even remember the faces of those douche bags." Yes, it was a lie, as if I could ever forget those double dickheads. But, I was telling the truth about not making Officer Damion freak out. It was my first day at school and I'd already gotten into it with some asshole who shoved me in the closet? Besides, I'd had enough attention to last a lifetime today.

"You don't remember anything?" he asked.

"The knock to the head must've rattled my brain or something," I shrugged innocently.

"Then we should take you to the nurse. Make sure you don't have a concussion." Grabbing my shoulder he steered me along toward the little extension to the school labeled FRONT OFFICE. Quickly I wrenched myself away from his grip. I had had enough manhandling for one day, thank you very much.

"Seriously. I'm fine," I assured him, my voice stern. "It's just a bruise. What is he going to do, slap a piece of meat on it? Have me pop some painkillers?" I shook my head. "I'd rather just head back to my room if that's alright with you."

Still, he seemed hesitant to let me go.

"If it will make you feel any better," I continued. "I'll head to the nurse tomorrow, alright? But as of right now I'm just too tired to deal with anything else tonight."

There was a small pause of silence and for a moment I was positive he'd grab me again and drag me to the Nurse whether I wanted to go or not. But after a moment he let out a sigh and I watched as his shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Alright," he agreed. "Tomorrow."

I nodded. "Tomorrow."

"However, for now, I want you to eat something before dinner ends." I opened my mouth to protest but he beat me to the punch. "Having something in your stomach will help with the dizziness and ease my worry. You do that and I'll let you off this time."

Go to the cafeteria and face my classmates with a black eye or be forced to head to the nurse and have Officer Damieon called in. Neither option sounded like something I wanted to do. I sent the man a small glare but he refused to budge.

After a few moments of continuously staring the man down, I let out a loud sigh of exasperation. "Fine, you win. I'll go eat."

His stern frown was immediately replaced with a pleased smile. "Good. I'll walk you."

"Let me guess, that's not a request?"

"Now you're catching on."

Together we walked the short distance towards the stone building shining with golden light. Just inside the wide windows, I could see hordes of teens seated together, chatting and laughing over their trays of food. With the sun setting behind us, casting various shades of red and orange against the plain stones the building was halfway beautiful. Just another moment in which I wished I had a camera in my eyeball.

Stopping just a small bit away from the entrance I slipped his coat off and passed it back to him. "Thank you, Mr. Lance. For, you know, finding me and all."

"It was my pleasure, Miss Thompson." He took the jacket, folding it neatly over his arm and smiled, mischief glittering in his dark eyes. "But don't think just because we spent this time together you're going to get out of the make-up work I have planned for you."

"Wait, what-?"

Before I could say anything more he quickly turned on his heel to leave. "Have a nice night," he called back cheerfully and walked away, whistling a soft tune.

What an odd man.

Turning, I pulled open the door and walked into the cafeteria. The soft roar of chatter instantly filled my ears and I wished, yet again, that they hadn't taken my iPod.

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