Suddenly, the loudspeakers gave a squeal. It was followed by the announcer's voice. "Ok ladies and gentlemen, it's time to get the competition going. There are 20 total contestants. The goal of the competition is to see which catapult can fire the farthest distance. Each contestant will be given a chance to fire off 3 pumpkins. The distance will be measured on the first point of landing of the pumpkin. The three measurements will then be added together for the final score. Catapults will also be judged on fluidity, craftsmanship, and uniqueness with a max score of 10 each. The winner will recieve $1,000 and this year's medal. Please welcome our three judges this year...."

"Alright Akatsuki, gather around."

The following members started to gather around at Pain's command. I hung uncertainly on the side, not sure if I was included or not. Pain's dark eyes met mine and he gave me a gentle smile. "You too Asami. In fact I want you to come stand next to me"

I was confused but I did as I was told. As I was walking over, I noticed Obito appear. He held a bag in his hand and he had a smile on his face as he went and stood next to Pain. I stood on Pain's other side, next to Konan. Pain put a hand on my shoulder and began to speak. "I know this isn't the best of times to do this but it is one of the few times where we're all together. Asami, you've been with us for a little while and I can tell you that you're already a part of our family. You were quick to open your heart to us and to give us the benefit of the doubt when others turned us away. You've been like a little sister to me and Konan and have brought light to our family. We wanted to thank you and officially welcome you to the Akatsuki."

Pain looked to Obito. Obito reached into the bag and pulled out a black leather jacket with red clouds on it. He held it out so that I could slide my arms in. As the jacket settled on me, I felt a joy in my heart like never before.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki."

The rest of the Akatsuki echoed Pain's words. "Welcome to the Akatsuki."

I was sure my smile had never been wider. "Thank you guys. This means a lot to me. I'm glad to be a part of the family."

The loudspeakers came back on with a squeal. "Alright everybody, it's time for the competition to begin."

I had looked up at the announcement but my eyes came back down to look at the group. "Let's give it our all!" I cheered. With that the group split up.

Hidan and Kakuzu went to make some last minute preparations on the catapult with Pain going to help them out. Deidara and Sasori decided to go get some snacks. I heard Kisame convince Itachi to check out the other catapults with him. Having a chance to myself, I tilted my face towards the sun and closed my eyes. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I was so fortunate to find so many people who cared about me. As I had my face tilted towards the heavens, I thought of my parents. Mom, Dad, I've found a home where I belong. I want you guys to know that there is no need to worry. I only wish that you guys could meet these amazing people but I know that you're watching me from where you are. I hope you can see how happy I am. I love you Mom and Dad. A light breeze picked up and gently stirred my hair. For that one moment, I felt completely at peace.

"Hey, are you alright?"

My eyes fluttered open and I looked towards the sound of the voice. It was Obito, looking at me in concern. I was confused at his question until I realized there was a single tear track down my right cheek. I wiped away the remaining moisture and smiled. "Yeah, I'm great. I'm just so happy."

He smiled softly at my words. "I'm glad to hear that. I think Pain made the right call in making you part of our family and I know the others think so too."

"Thank you Obito. It's good to know that."

He reached his hand towards my face and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. He kept his hand there and looked into my eyes. "Look Asami I-"

"Asami! We came back with food!" I heard Deidara yell.

Obito automatically retracted his hand and a slight blush came on his face. I felt a blush come to my face as well. "O-obito?" I stuttered.

He gave me a sad smile. "It's nothing."

"C'mon Asami! Let's set up over here!"

I turned at Deidara's beckoning. I glanced back at Obito once. I thought I saw something glow from the depth of his dark eyes. Before I could ponder what it was, my attention was pulled back to helping Deidara and Sasori set up a picnic spot.

Eventually, everyone but Hidan and Kakuzu came and sat down at the picnic spot to watch the competition. Everything seemed to be going well until about the fifth catapult in. They had just launched their final pumpkin and we waited for the usual splat of the pumpkin hitting the ground.


I jumped at the loud noise. What the hell was that? It sounded like the pumpkin exploded or something.

"One minute ladies and gentleman. We're investigating the loud noise. The competition will be resumed in a moment."

A quiet murmur spread through the crowd and I frowned at the strange occurence. A minute later, the officials stated that the competition could resume. A couple more teams had their turns. Just when things seemed to be normal, another loud boom rocked the air. My eyes widened when I realized that that last pumpkin had definitely exploded with a lot more force than usual. The competition was called off again. I turned to Itachi who was sitting next to me. "I wonder what's going on?"

"I suspect some of the pumpkins have been sabotaged." With this statement, Itachi turned his gaze towards Deidara. When I realized who he was looking at, I was hit with a realization.

Wasn't Hidan complaining the other day that Deidara would fill the pumpkins with explosives?

"Ladies and gentleman, I'm sorry for the delay but it appears that some of the pumpkins have been loaded with mild explosives that would make them pop with extra force on impact. It seems they were not meant to harm and that it was merely a prank. We will continue the competition once all of the tampered pumpkins have been removed."

"Damn, why did they have to spoil the fun hmm!"

My muscles tensed at the sudden yell. I turned my eyes to him as I felt my anger rise. "Deidara..." My voice was low and threatening.

He had a dissapointed frown on his face until he looked at me. As soon as he saw me his face turned pale and his eyes widened in fear.

"Now you've done it," Pain murmured.

"Deidara, I'm going to kill you."

Deidara laughed nervously and raised his hands in surrender. "Look Asami, it was just a joke. All in good fun right?"

I said one word. "Run."

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