Chapter 15

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I was feeling hungry after my history class today so I decided to go have a snack. Tenten had told me there was a new dango shop in town and I wanted to try it. I looked down at the scrap of paper in my hands that had the address. That's not too far from here. I wasn't paying attention so I ended up running into someone. "Sorry I-" I looked to see who I ran into. It was Itachi. I laughed. "Itachi, we got to stop meeting like this." He smiled a little and said, "You seem to be distracted. Did you need help with something?" "Yeah, I was trying to figure out where this new dango shop was." "Dangos?" He questioned. He had such a hopeful look on his face when he said that one word. It was just so adorable. I smiled at him. "If you like dangos so much, you should come with me. It'll be my treat. Think of it as a thank you for Saturday." "Alright," he replied.

When we arrived at the dango shop, Itachi's eyes got as big as saucers. They had all different kinds of flavors and sauces for the dangos and it was obvious that he was having a hard time choosing. It was funny to watch his indecision. Each order had two dangos so I got one order and Itachi decided to get two. We decided to eat outside on a bench. I had finished with my two dango sticks fairly quickly and watched as Itachi ate his. He was enjoying his dangos so much that I couldn't help but want to mess with him a little bit. He just finished his third one and was about to grab his last one when I snatched it from his plate. "I changed my mind Itachi. I want your last dango." The look of utter childlike devastation on his face made me laugh. "I'm just kidding." I held the dango out for him to grab. "You're so cute, I could just kiss you." We both froze. Oh my god, why did I just say that! I could feel my face heat up as a blush overtook it. But as I watched Itachi, an intense look came over his face. He turned to me and his eyes seemed like they were freaking smoldering. "Is that all you see me as? Cute?" My mind went blank. "Yes! Uh I mean no.. I mean.." I stuttered. He leaned in so that his face was just a hairsbreadth away from mine. "If you call me cute again, I might just have to take you up on that kiss and make cute the last word on your mind," he promised darkly. All I could do was stare at him like a deer stuck in headlights. Sasuke may be intimidating, but he has nothing on Itachi. I think Itachi's the more dangerous of the two. Itachi gently pulled the dango from my nerveless fingers and leaned back. His usual emotionless mask slipped back over his face as he ate his dango. I released a pent up breath I didn't even realize I was holding. Holy sh!t. How was I supposed to react to that?

When he was finished he asked me, "Are you ready to go?" I couldn't get any words out so I just nodded. On the way back to campus, he just acted like nothing happened. He just casually asked me about some of my travels. We were passing by the dorms when I saw Sasuke and Naruto. I waved to them and they walked over. Itachi glanced at his brother before he looked back to me. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Remember what I said." I blushed and he straightened. "I'll see you later," he said in a normal voice. He passed by Sasuke. "Sasuke." "Itachi." Sasuke's voice was less than friendly with his brother. Itachi left and the two boys turned to me. "Say Asami, what did Itachi say to you? You turned awfully red there," Naruto said. I blushed again. "Um... nothing," I said. Sasuke was looking at me suspiciously. "Did something happen between you two?" he asked. "N-no, nothing happened." I laughed nervously. "Hey, I have some studying to do so I'll see you guys later." Better get out of there before they decide to interrogate me.

Sasuke's POV

I watched Asami as she walked away. Something definitely happened between her and Itachi. The memory of her blushing face flashed to the front of my mind. I felt anger and... something else. This feeling was unfamiliar to me. I looked over to see that Naruto was watching Asami with a bit of a wistful look on his face. The feeling strengthened tenfold. A thought popped into my head. Is this what jealousy feels like? I mentally shook my head. No, it couldn't be. There's no way a girl would make me feel jealous. "You're drooling loser," I told Naruto. He snapped out of his daze and gave me a glare. "No, I'm not!" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Look, you obviously like Asami." He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah.." His blue eyes flitted back to my face. He grinned and said, "You like her too Sasuke." I averted my gaze and grumbled out, "Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about." He just laughed. For being pretty dense, he can be surprisingly observant sometimes. "We should try to keep her away from the Akatsuki. Especially Itachi." He frowned. "Why?" I mentally face palmed. Nope, he's just dense. "Didn't you just see how nervous she got when we mentioned Itachi? I think she's starting to like him." Horror crossed Naruto's face. "We can't let that happen!" "I know," I growled. "I have a plan in mind."

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