Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning with a slight headache. I decided to chill in the dorm today and watch some Netflix. Hinata decided to join me. "How did the party go last night?" she asked. "It was.... alright." I said. "You came back earlier than expected, did you not enjoy it?" "Well... I accidentally drank a lot of alcohol and ended up getting sick. Apparently Hidan makes some mean punch." "Oh." She looked at me with concern. "Are you alright?" "I just have a slight headache. I'm fine. But please don't tell the others about what happened. I don't want them to have another reason to be mad at the Akatsuki especially since this was my fault." She seemed torn but she eventually nodded. "Thanks Hinata." I jumped when I heard a loud banging at our door. Who could that be? I got up and opened the door to see a very angry Sasuke on the other side. "You idiot! What the hell were you thinking?!" "Shhh!" I hushed him. I checked to see that nobody was around and pulled Sasuke into our room. "Now, what are you going on about?" He glared at me. "Don't play dumb with me. I heard about what happened from Itachi." I sighed. This is exactly why I didn't want the others to know. "Umm, I just remembered I have some stuff to do so I'll see you later Asami," Hinata said. I gave her an apologetic smile and said goodbye to her. When she left, I turned back to Sasuke. "Look Sasuke, it was a mistake alright? It won't happen again." "Damn right it won't. You're not going to see the Akatsuki again." I looked at him in shock. Then I turned on my glare. "Excuse me Sasuke, but I don't remember you getting the rights to tell me how to run my life. You've been an a-hole one way or another since we met. I don't know what your problem is but I don't want anything to do with you if you're going to be like this." I had turned away from him and started to walk away. I felt a hand grab my wrist. "Wait." I stopped without turning back to him. I heard him sigh. "You're right. I have no right to tell you how to live your life. I'm sorry." I turned my head a little. I saw him run a hand through his dark hair. "Look, I'm sorry I've been such a jerk. It's just- you're different than any girl I've ever met and I don't know how to act around you. I know that's not an excuse but... can we start over?" I pulled my wrist from his grasp. I waited a minute to let him sweat it. I then turned to him with a smile. "Hi, I'm Asami Kanashe. What's your name?" He blinked in shock before he gave me a smirk and shook my hand. "Sasuke Uchiha." "Nice to meet you Sasuke. Say, I'm about to put on a movie. Would you be interested in watching with me?" "Sure." We sat down and I put on an action movie. After the movie ended, Sasuke and I talked about our favorite scenes and things they could of done better. It was nice seeing this side of Sasuke. He was a lot more relaxed and seemed to open up a bit more. When he needed to leave, I followed him to the door. "For the record, I like this Sasuke much better," I told him. "Hm," he said. I laughed. "You just can't help yourself can you?" He smiled a small smile. "Guess not." "Sasuke, I want you to promise me something." He looked suspicious. "What is it?" "Promise me you won't tell the others about what happened at the party." He seemed to consider for a moment. "Fine. But only if you promise me that we hang out like this again." I beamed. "Deal."

It was late afternoon after Sasuke left and I felt like some fresh air would do me some good. I decided to go into town and explore the area some. I was wandering the city and learning where everything was located. This city really is beautiful. I had stopped at a street corner as I waited for the walk signal at a busy intersection. Suddenly I heard a woman shout, "Tommy stop!" I saw a blur as a little boy ran past me and into the street. My instincts took over and I ran after the small child. I saw him freeze and I swept him up into my arms. That's when I heard the honking and the loud screech of tires. I looked up to see a car heading straight for us. There was no way it was going to stop in time. I turned my body so that I would get the brunt of the damage. I closed my eyes tight and squeezed the little boy to me. I waited for the impact. Instead, I felt a hand grab my arm and give me a hard yank. I stumbled into somebody's chest and felt the rush of air as the car drove right past us. I looked up to see red hair and teal eyes. Gaara? Before I had time to react, the mother of the child had ran over to us. After her, a crowd started to form of people asking if we were ok. "Tommy! Oh thank god you're ok!" I handed the boy over to the weeping mother. "Thank you, thank you so much you two. I don't know what I would've done if my little boy got hurt." I sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm glad he's ok." I ruffled the boy's hair. "Be careful ok? Stay by your mom." Tommy sniffled and nodded. The two left. A man from the crowd shouted, "You two are heroes!" I blushed. "I'm no hero. I was just helping a mother and her child," I said. There was some general murmurings of 'good job' and 'you were great'. Fortunately, after the initial commotion died down the crowd started to dipserse. I turned back to Gaara. "Thanks for saving me there." Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug. "You were amazing, but please don't ever do something like that again. You nearly gave me a heart attack," he murmured in his deep voice. I felt my knees wobble as the adrenaline rush left me. "No problem," I murmured back. He seemed to sense my weakened state. "Why don't we go get some coffee. I know a cafe down the street." I nodded and he let me go. I followed him as he led me to a cozy little cafe. We got our drinks and sat down at a table. I took a deep breath. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm just a little shaken up." "Not many people would've done that. Run after that kid like you did." "I'm sure you would've." He averted his gaze. "I don't know. I'm kind of considered bad luck." I frowned. "Why is that?" He looked back to me with a guarded expression. "My mother died giving birth to me. I came from a fairly small village and they considered me as a bad omen because of that. People had a tendency to avoid me." I clenched my fists. "That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. It's not your fault your mother died. You're a great person Gaara. Whoever said those things were a bunch of idiots and didn't deserve your attention anyways." He looked at me in shock. I blushed slightly. "Um, anyways. You seem to have found friends who value you." "Yeah," he said offhandedly. He wouldn't stop staring at me. We eventually finished our drinks and Gaara had offered to show me the rest of the town. I happily agreed and we spent the rest of the day looking at the sights.

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