Chapter 23

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"Hello Octoberfest guests! This is a reminder that the pumpkin chunkin' competitions starts in half an hour at Field A. So if you would like to observe, please make your way over now."

"I guess that's our cue."

I pulled out the map of the fairgrounds. "It's not too far. Let's get going."

I led the way to Field A and the others fell in line behind me. The closer we got to our destination, the thicker the crowd got. Soon it was all we could do to go at a slow shuffle.


I looked to the source of the voice and spotted Konan.

"Looks like Konan and Pain are already here," Kisame murmured.

We pushed our way through the crowds until we met up with the couple.

"Hey guys."

Konan gave me a hug. "Looks like you found Kisame and Itachi too. Good. Let's go ahead and make our way to where Kakuzu and Hidan are."

We followed Konan and Pain and eventually came across Hidan and Kakuzu standing behind a rather large catapult. I did not pretend to know the mechanics behind a catapult but it looked more complex than I would've thought. Hidan spotted me and gave me a wide smirk.

"Thank Jashin, you finally made it! What the hell took you so long?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't get your panties in a twist Hidan. We're here aren't we?"

My eyes were roaming around and I noticed Obito was the only one that wasn't here.

Hidan bent over and put his face in mine. "You have quite a smart mouth on you. But I bet if I tasted that mouth of yours, it would be as sweet as sugar."

Before I could say a word, a fist slammed down on Hidan's head and he slammed face first into the ground.

"The only thing you'll be tasting is dirt."

I looked up to see Kisame with a cross look on his face. My eyes flicked to the people behind him and I noticed that Deidara looked murderous and both Itachi and Sasori were very annoyed looking. Kakuzu seemed to watch on with a slight curiosity. Konan looked like she was about to go on a rant but Pain held her back and shook his head. Hidan was quick to spring back to his feet.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"What do you think you dumbass? You have no right to talk to Asami that way!" Deidara yelled.

"What are you, her bodyguard?"

"He wouldn't have to be if you weren't such an asshole Hidan." Sasori commented.

Itachi narrowed his eyes at Hidan. "You crossed a line."

I raised an eyebrow at Itachi. Didn't he do something similar not too long ago?

"You jerks are getting awfully defensive over Asami's sake. Yet I haven't heard one word from her on the matter." Hidan turned to me with a gleam in his eyes. "Well sweetheart?"

I smiled suggestively and walked closer to Hidan. When I was standing in front of him, I reached up on my tip toes and whispered in his ear. "Don't ever call me sweetheart." Before he could say anything, I swept his feet out from underneath of him. He landed on his back in the dirt with a groan. I walked away and started humming a tune as if nothing ever happened.

"You deserved that one." Pain looked down at Hidan unsympathetically.

As I was walking away, I heard Deidara whisper, "She's really scary."

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