"The Hunters Kiss"

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It's time for the season to visit our way,
to bring us the fungi that starts on this day.       

The bright, radiant, sun gives heat to the atmosphere and after it rains,
that's when you know the magic of many mushrooms are here.

Going on a hunt to an adventurous land,
to seek, to gather and pick all by hand.

Grab a wooden basket or a satchel to carry with you,
you'll need to fill it up to make your mushroom stew. 

Search through the woods or a green grassy knoll,
don't forget dead logs or a stump that's real old.

Amanitas, Russulas, Fairy Rings that are wet,
Chanterelles, Mycena and Blue Staining Boletes.

Some slender, some shaggy, all over they hide,
some spongy and stalkless that lay side by side.

With names like Destroying Angel, Death Cap and Poison Pie,
the Deceiver and Corpse Finder, should all catch your eye.

Now get down on your knees, take a picture and look,
go home, make a spore print, and find them in your book.

🍄 Copyright 2018 Ashley Reese 🍄

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