The survival game

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Their eyebrows creased watching many creatures, knights standing in a line dressed in the same outfit as theirs, which was covered in blood. Large number of red caps gathered around them, guiding them to a mysterious place. A red cap hit baekhyun in his stomach "Get going slave" he shouted. He groaned in pain and fell down. The knights flared but ricardus stopped them from getting into a fight "The outcome will not be nice" he pleaded. Chanyeol helped him stand up "Gleam??" he asked sadly. Baekhyun stood up straight "I am fine" he said suppressing his pain. A group of red caps started hit all the prisoners left and right with stones, not caring about anything. The knights were no exception. They were beaten to pulp; the blood came gushing down their bodies. They were unable to walk and felt helpless as their swords were missing. They were unable to do anything with just human strength.

Meanwhile in the girls' dorm, it's been a couple of days since the knights left. It was known that the time zone was different in the human world compared to that of the fairy land. It was night, the girls were asleep after much difficulty. They got up together shivering, cold sweat running down their forehead. An ominous feeling made their hearts squeeze. They glanced at each other and burst out crying. They hugged each other and silently sobbed. "Please be safe....come back safely" they cried calling out their respective beloved's names. Each day they were dying in misery. They wished they could come fast and end this agony.

Here, the fairies worried about their safety while there the prisoners including knights were taken to a fighting or battle arena. It was huge, just like the ruins of the castle; this arena was nothing but walls. "Welcome to the suicide arena" said one of the recaps and they were thrown in. The knights gulped hearing the name and others shivered in fear.The prisoners stood in the battle arena, around were the redcaps cheering. Among those was a red cap seated on a throne, probably their leader. He grinned and clapped indicating them to start the game. The knights stood confused and also anxious. They are running out of time, their mission will turn into a failure and they might be trapped here forever. The faces of their fairies appeared in their minds. They gathered courage not to lose. They didn't know who they were fighting with but looking at the blood shed they were sure it won't be an easy task. Their questions got answered when a beast was released through a gate, roaring it came and started killing each of them. "Chemira" muttered suho looking at it.

Chimera, a monstrous fire breathing hybrid creature composed of the parts of more than one animal. It is usually depicted as a lion, with the head of a goat arising from its back, and a tail that might end with a snake's head. The seeing of a chimera was an omen for disaster.

"That fire breathing creature, how are we supposed to defeat it?" questioned sehun. They felt helpless with out their swords, neither can they transform. "What more disaster will it bring" stated baekhyun implying the state they were in. "Ricardus, where are our swords?" asked chanyeol. Ricardus gestured them to look at the chimera's den. The knights nodded as if they have understood. The chimera was on loose, breathing fire and killing the prisoners. It roared marching forward, among that the redcaps cheered at it encouraging it to kill more. Knight's eyebrows knitted when the bodies fell before them. They marched towards its den without further delay while chimera was after them breathing fire. They could only rely on their physical strength. The knights jumped in together along with ricardus and rolled into its den. On the command the respective swords shone and landed in their arms. Ricardus grabbed his sword and rushed outside. He was filled with rage and anger. How long has lived like a slave he was frustrated to bow in front of these monsters. The knights wielded the swords in their hands and transformed urgently.

They darted towards it in full force. The chimera burned them and jumped on them. The knights jumped over it with their swords, cornered it along with ricardus "Attack!!" baekhyun screamed and others followed. They pierced their swords together in its stomach with vengeance, the revenge for taking innocent lives. The chimera was defeated. It fell in front of them and now it was their turn to cheer and celebrate. The leader of the redcap and his troops surrounded them flinging huge stones at them with the intention to kill but the knights fought them with all their might. They were wounded, tired and frustrated. When suho was about to be squeezed under the rock ricardus stepped in to save him. The huge stone hit his head and he fell down on the ground breathing his last breath.

"Ricardus" suho shouted taking him in his lap. "What have you done?" kyungsoo shouted at him for acting stupid. Ricardus smiled "Knights, please succeed in your mission and eradicate the evil from the fairy land. Kill nadia and her troops, this is my last wish. I...wish to tell you something but i am afraid i....just remember that the sacrifices we made was not for you alone but for the entire fairy land's peace. Save your fairies and bring justice to our land". Knights teared up watching his state.They fought the redcaps continuously, also helping him and the other injured.

Ricardus pointed to the dead chimera "Read the scriptures and save the other creatures" he ordered. Kai teleported and read the scriptures which appeared on the chimera's body, the only way to end the redcaps. Immediately, the recaps burned and disappeared. The people were saved and gathered near them thankfully. Ricardus breathed heavily, his end was near. He mumbled the quotes for his dear knights, to help them succeed in acquiring the swords.

Inhibits in houses, the one wearing a brown mantle and hood

Discover him, who will guide you to the symbol of knighthood

Hard to catch a glimpse of him,

Possible in the night, that too on a whim

Difficult is the task of persuasion,

Works only in exchange of provision.

With those words ricardus closed his eyes forever, similar to that of a setting sun which was disappearing through their sight. The knights weeped quietly as his sacrifice will always be remembered. The other creatures requested them to continue their journey telling them that's what he wished. The knights and the others bowed in front of him dropping their swords. After a moment of silence, they continued with their journey to find the swords.


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