The Rejection: 12

Start from the beginning

               "Yeah," I affirmed. "Klaus, he's my brother." Her brows raised and confusion lined her features. She looked as if she was about to speak, when something over my shoulder caught her attention. Her blue eyes were the size of saucers, looking a tad frightened. I gave her a quizzical glance before seeing what she was staring at.

               Or more like who she was staring at.

               Jason stalked towards us, his expression plain. "Here," he said, thrusting my bag toward me, "you left this in the hall earlier."

               I took it gratefully, catch a swift scent of his cologne surrounding the bag. I had a huge suspicion he might have went through my things, but I paid it not mind; I honestly didn't care if he did. The only real personal item in it was a picture of Michael and I, and if he had seen it, maybe he would realize that he needs to step up his game if he wanted to get me back. "Um, thanks..." I mumbled, looking up at him, unsure. "Did you skip class just to give this to me?"

               Jason nodded, the smallest of smiles gracing his features. It was cute, I'll admit. "Well," he dragged out, making everything more awkward to me, "I guess I'll see you later." He began to retreat, walking backwards while still smiling at me. He swivelled on his heel, his back now facing me as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his fitted jeans.

               Arianna let out a loud breath of air, gaining my attention. She fanned her flaming cheeks. "Lord, have mercy, child," she muttered over dramatically. I chuckled at her use of words. "He is one nice hunk of meat, I'm telling you."

               Even though that made me laugh, I felt a little spark of possessiveness. He was my mate, and as much as I disliked the thought, I knew it was an fact I couldn't just ignore. Either way, I decided not to mention it, nor say anything, in fear that I might slip something that would cause her to ask questions. I really didn't want that right now.

               The shrill ringing of the bell rang, and students began to pour from the classrooms, all heading to either their lockers or first period. "Shit," Arianna cursed. "We missed homeroom." For a moment, I was freaking out about it, but then I realized, it didn't matter. You didn't get grades in there, and I could always say I was tardy. Arianna demanded my schedule, so I handed it to her; her eyes glanced at the classes quickly. "We have most classes together. Come on, let's get to first period."

               I quickly shoved the map and schedule into my bag once the blonde gave them back and hurried to keep up with her. I had to wriggle my way around the students, seeing as how I was shorter than most of the student body, they didn't see me trying to get past the sea of people. These are one of the few times that I truly hate being short. I kept up with Arianna, nonetheless.

               We finally slowed down as we reached a specific wooden door, the wall plank beside it reading '256: Mr. Cornell'. My first period, American History. I groaned at the thought of having to deal with this first thing of every morning. There wasn't anything I could do about it now, sadly.

               Seeing as how Arianna and I were on the other side of the school when we realized we had to get to first period, the tardy bell had rung before we even got to the classroom. Just perfect. I had completely missed homeroom and was tardy to first period on my first day of school, and I had been here for both classes. That's not embarrassing at all.

               Arianna quickly slipped into the classroom, making as much noise as a church mouse.

               I, on the other hand, was not so lucky. Once I had entered, the teacher, Mr. Cornell, turned around, catching me. I froze on the spot, every pair of eyes on me. The history teacher spoke up.

               "Excuse me," he said, his voice full of stern authority. "Care to explain to the class and I why were you late?"

               "I had gotten lost," I said, a blush coloring my face. "I apologize for being a disturbance."

               Mr. Cornell's eyes lit with recognition. "Oh, you're Hope Fields, right?" he asked - I nodded. "Don't worry about it then. You can just have a seat next to..." He glanced around, peering over the students for a spare seat. I looked also, but didn't see any. He found one, apparently. "Jason Daniels."

               I was just about to decline and ask if there was another seat that I could take, when my wolf interrupted me.

               'Don't even think about it, chica,' she growled threateningly. Honestly, I would have denied her, too, but I didn't like it when she was mad at me, and believe me, she would have been furious if I refused her of this.

               "Thank you," I mumbled softly, finding my seat by Jason's scent alone. I followed the trail and stalked toward the back of the classroom, the smell of his cologne growing stronger and stronger. I wonder if it was too late to transfer out of this class, or maybe switch it with another. I would have to ask the guidance counselor about it later. There is just no way I would be able to concentrate with him in here with me.

               "Everyone, get out your notebooks, you've got plenty of notes to take," Mr. Cornell instructed, allowing the students time to pull out sheets of paper for the note-taking. I sighed and following his instructions, feeling a certain pair of blue eyes on me, the same ones I found both beautiful and nerve wracking.

               I felt his hot breath fan the side of my face as he leaned up from his seat behind me. "Hey, beautiful," he greeted me quietly, making my face heat up.

               Oh, dear Lord.

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