Villian's Destiny

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Mayflower cried in the front seat of Regina's car. What was she supposed to do? Her papa was gone. Someone took him. Who would take him? I mean, she knew he was very powerful, and important, but why?

Regina placed a hand on Mayflower's shoulder. "Hey, honey. It's okay. We will find him." She did her best to make her voice sound caring, and confident, but she didn't think she was doing a very good. Well, considering she could hear her own voice shake.

May sniffed and whipped her tears. She sat up, "Are we going to get the heroes?"

Regina looked at her daughter with a look of complete worry, "Heroes?"

"Yeah, the Charmings and Emma and Hook." Mayflower counted on her fingers.

"Why aren't heroes?" Regina asked bringing her hand back to the steering wheel. She risked a glance a May, and found her making a face that shouted 'really'. Regina found that between herself and Rumplestiltskin, Mayflower was growing up very sarcastic.

"What make you and papa not heroes, well..." she made a jester to let her know it was obvious, witch Regina already knew. "And me, well I just can't be. I was raised by villains. Just like Neal is destained to be a hero like his mom, dad, and Emma."

Regina almost laughed, "What in the all worlds gave you that idea."

"Everyone always tell me, I'm going to a villain. I just am. Ya' know?" Mayflower shrugged her shoulders.

"No. I don't think so." Regina pulled her car into parking spot. She shut off the car and turned fully to her daughter, who was back, slumped in her seat. "You can be whatever you want. If you want to be a hero then you can. Plus, who set the rules for what makes you a 'hero' or a 'villain'?"

"Whatever." May swung her door open and got out. Regina got out and and followed her to the door of the library. She threw open the door and stormed in. "What are we doing here anyway?"

"Well, if you are going to be a hero we need to find out who took him, right?" Regina asked, following her in.

"Who said I even want to be a stuck up hero?" May snarled back. She sounded just like Rumplestiltskin. At least that's what Regina thought.

"Well, be whatever you like. We still need to get Rumple back."

Mayflower turned back to her. "That, we can agree on." Regina could have sworn May's lip twitch, and her jaw was set firm. She looked just like her dad too.

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