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The next morning when Regina got up Mayflower was at the table, stirring her, now soggy, cereal. Regina walked up to her, and placed her hand on her back, "Hey, how are you."

"Not great. Papa didn't even call me last night." She took a deep breath, and Regina sat next to her. "Do you think he's mad at me? Did I do something?"

"No, no, no. May, he probably is still at the shop." That didn't seem to cheer her up at all. So, Regina tried again, "Why don't we go down to the shop right now?"

That got May's attention. Her heard shot up, and she looked at Regina, "We can't do that."

"Why not?"


Regina laughed, "Come on. Let's go down to the shop. Grab your jacket." Regina was almost to the front door by now.

Mayflower ran after her and swiped her jacket off its hook by the front door. She put it on as she was stepping out the door. "Can we do this? I mean, the school will ask why I was late. What are we gonna say?"

"That we had reason to believe that the Dark One had been kid napped." Regina got in the drivers seat, and May got in on the other side laughing.

"My dad being kid napped. Can you imagine that?"


When they got to the shop they both walked up to the door. The sign was turned to closed and the door was locked. Regina used her magic to open the door. They went in and both froze in their spot and stared, speechless.

Mayflower was the first to speak, "What happened here?" The whole place was trashed. Broken glass was all over the floor and one of the cases was busted.

"He probably just had one of his temper tantrums." Regina started to walk to the back room. "Be careful."

"What ever happened, it must have been really bad." May told her, as she stepped over a shattered vase.

"Yeah." Regina agreed as she pulled back the curtain to the back room. "Rumple!" She called. "I don't see him."

They both walked into the back room. There was a note. It was in Rumple's hand writing.

Just one word: help

It appeared to be written frantically and quickly. Regina saw it first and was going to put it in her pocket before May saw it. It was too late. She pulled it out of Regina's hand.

She swallowed, "He's in danger."

The Evil PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin