Chapter 1

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I pulled into the driveway of my house to be greeted by my fluffy, lovable husky named Miku. She raced up to me and jumped up, trying to lick my face.

"How did you get out!?" I thought out loud.

"I let her out"

I looked up towards the voice to be greeted by a warm smile from my best friend, Logan. I smiled back and gave him a look that asked, why are you here? and walked up to him with Miku following close behind.

"I came over to tell you something," he said as if reading my thoughts. He seemed worried. Or perhaps scared? I wasn't sure but it made alarm bells go off in my head. I tried to ignore the bells in my mind and seem content and curious but failed miserably.

"What is it?" I asked still trying my best to sound calm.

"Do you remember the children that you had and put up for adoption? The two twin girls?" He asked. I nodded, not sure where this was going.

"The adoption company wants you to take them back. They apparently can't be adopted or something," he said. His eyes scanned me looking, almost waiting for me to freak out. Which I did. I threw up my arms and my eyes went wild and frantic.

"WHAT!?!" I yelled so loud that the neighbor peeked his head over the fence at me to make sure I was okay. I wasn't. I felt like I was hit by a freight train. My children!? I don't even know what they look like! I had just gotten over the regret and pain of giving them up in the first place and now they were being thrown back into my life once more!!

"Hey! It's ok! You just have to take care of them for at least a month! Just till we find another adoption center that will take them," Logan said in an attempt to calm me down.

"When are they coming!?" I asked.

"Ummmm... they're already here," he replied.

"WHAT! AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME THIS BEFOREHAND!!!" I yelled stomping past him and into the house. I looked around the living room. My eyes scanned every detail trying to see anything out of place. I marched up the stairs and came to a halt at the top. I heard voices I didn't recognize. Younger than me, maybe teenage, but just old enough to be...

No, I continued my march and stopped in front of the door to the guest bedroom. My expression was stern and and my posture that of a woman yelling at her young children....which is basically what I was doing. 2 teenage girls were in the room. Each maybe 12 or 13. One had short, red hair and was wearing all dark colours. The other had shorter brown hair that was up in little pigtails on each side of her head. She was dressed like a fuck girl. They both stared at me with an expression that resembled a mixture of fear, confusion,  and joy. Possibly a hint of hope. The red haired one spoke first.

"Mom?" childrenWhere stories live. Discover now