"Follow." I stepped towards him and obediently, much to my dismay, and walked matching his long strides out of the cellars. As we passed racks of weapons I shivered and rubbed my arm subconsciously.

By the time we got to the dining hall I realized what was going to happen. The place was grand and big, the ceilings high with gold accents and patterns on the ceiling to the walls. There were many people already around the table standing, waiting for the last royal to be seated. Thorn walked past the guard and me to take the last seat and they all sat in their royal chairs after the king had.

"Thank you for all coming to this feast tonight in celebration on my success with weakening the Bloodrose Dusk pack."

"You're going to serve their royal highness's along with the other castle slaves. Do not speak unless spoken to and do not make them angry." The guard murmured to me, quickly shoving a large platter of multiple plates in my hands. I tried another desperate shot at mind linking Fox, but failed. I was stuck with this job then.

People raised their glasses and each took a few sips, the guard nudging me out to follow the other slave's actions. Everyone randomly set plates in front of different people so I followed suit, knowing better than to challenge a room full of royal fae. By the time everyone was served the slaves moved to the very back of the room and stood with their backs arched so I did the same. My back ached and burned like a fire when I tried to sand straight so instead I hunched it. I cringed when I felt a dribble of blood roll down my back at my attempt.

"You may now feast." Silver was clinked and I allowed my eyes to fall down to the duck in front of everyone, decorated with lettuce and spices. I gagged in the back of my throat, noticing that the beaks were still attached.

"A new slave I see." A lady I had not seen before spoke, her eyes burning right through me with a curious gaze. Some of the other members at the table turned and found where her eyes rested and nodded as if confirming they saw me too.

"A reward from the Bloodrose Dusk pack of mutts. A prize possession, too. The Luna." The queen spoke as if she were bragging about a trophy. I clenched my jaw and fists, my nails digging into my skin. It was taking a lot to control myself considering my wolf was out of touch. I wasn't the same without her. My body and my emotions were suffering her loss of presence.

"I knew she wasn't like the others." A man quipped his opinion and he kept his eyes locked to mine, a small eerie smirk playing onto his old chapped lips. "She's a beaut." I bit my tongue until I tasted blood. "A real prize that is. Has the prince enjoyed a little try at her?"

"No," Thorn spoke out as if the older man's hanging question was offensive. "I do not want her."

"Would you mind she be sent to my chambers tonight then?" The king cleared his throat loudly at that comment and I squirmed in my own skin at the old man's plead.

"She's a special prize, you see," I could feel the eyes of the other slaves around me. "and no one else is to touch her unless I permit you access. Other slaves are open until further notice and this known Luna can be on the market as well."

Everyone was silent and my stomach felt like a rock. I felt nauseous and I couldn't think properly. It was like fog was clogging all the passageways and I couldn't do anything properly.

I wasn't an idiot. I knew exactly what they were implying. I've already been raped once.

But that didn't make me any less fearful.

I was shaken awake and I sat up with a jolt, my eyes wide and my heart beating rapidly in awareness. It was a guard hovering above me, looking rather bored with the werewolf in front of him. I wasn't a threat around here and I understood how low my status was. Being Luna meant nothing here.

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