Relief filled me and I let out a breath. "Oh, okie. That's really cool!! You look good! What else can you do?" Oh my glob, this is so cool!!!

He laughed, "Calm down child. Thank you for the complement but there isn't anything too extraordinary I can do that you haven't already seen."

"Aww." He smiled softly at me which caused my heart to beat faster from nervousness. Nobody has ever looked at me with so much love. Even when my mom and dad were together. I quickly ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Ratchet."

I soon felt him relax into my touch and hug me back. "No, thank you." We stayed like that for a while before we finally pulled apart. He took a deep breath and walked over to his Cybertronian mode. "I suppose we should leave now. What state is this? My navigational systems are down."

"We're in Oklahoma! If we stop and get a map then I'm sure we can find a way to Arizona."

"Air-eh-zone-ah, not Air-e-zon-ah." I huffed and crossed my arms. Stupid pronunciation. I can say it correctly in my head, just not out loud. "It's alright little one, you'll get it." I gave him a smile in thanks and watched as he disappeared. "Now, let's get on the move."

Then he transformed! Into an ambulance! "Woah!!" That was so cool! "Can you do that again?!" I jumped up and down clapping in excitement.

He gave a hearty laugh, "Now Melody, we need to go. I'll transform again soon. Don't you worry." I groaned but complied none the less. He popped his passenger side door open for me. Grabbing my bag, money, a few wrenches, and a broken iPad I crawled in. "There's a good femme. Now, first I need a new alt."

We drove out of the barn and I tilted my head in confusion. "Alt? What in the who-ha is that?"

He laughed, "It's my vehicular form."

"Why do you need a new one? I like this one!"

He sighed which just blew warm air into my face. "As do I, but those big bad men I told you about will recognize me and try to not only hurt me, but you as well." I let out a small 'oh' and frowned. Why do they want to hurt Ratchy? "It'll be alright sweetspark. I won't let them hurt you."

"But why do they want to hurt you?" I started to tear up, "You're- you're nice and saved me from my dad! You're a good guy! It's not fair!!"

"Oh, don't cry sweetspark. I know it's not fair, but life isn't fair. We don't know why humans betrayed us, but Optimus sent out a warning message to us. We went into hiding to stay safe."

"Who is Optimus?"

"He is the leader of the Autobots, the good guys. We fight the Decepticons who were led by Megatron. Luckily Megatron was offlined but unfortunately the Decepticons continue to rain terror under Starscream's rule. He was Megatron's second in command."

I nodded, taking it all in. "Why did you guys come to Earth then?"

"Cybertron." His voice was so soft and sad that I instantly felt bad for asking. "Our planet Cybertron died. After so many destructive years of war we finally killed it. It was such a beautiful and peaceful planet. Tall metal structures, beautiful jewel flowers... It was magnificent."

I smiled softly and rubbed the dashboard comfortingly, "It sounds amazing."

"It was. It really was."

"What's your favorite flower? Do you have any pictures?"

He sighed again, "Unfortunately not, nobot ever thought we'd lose our home. It was always there. Always has been there. Once the thought of losing it even crossed our processers it was too late. Most of our once beautiful home was destroyed in the early stages of war. My favorite flower, however, was a blue il verde gida. The petals were a shiny silver, the stem a stunning green crystal, and at the center was the blue verde giada. Much like your blue jade gemstones. They were rare, only grew once a year." He laughed, "It was Primus's favorite too. He always grew it in a different spot so nobot could go pick it every year." He paused for a minute. "One year, many eons ago, I was in the Hydrax Plateau, the Ankmor Park to be specific, and stumbled upon the flower. It was beautiful, so beautiful that I didn't have the spark to pick it. I just stared at it for a good few hours. I'd give anything to see it again."

We Met In a Barn!Where stories live. Discover now