Falling in Love pt.3

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"Well, what would you say about having dinner at my place when we get back? I make a mean casserole."
Reid smiled at you, "sounds like a date."
There, in the middle of your apartment building, you shared your first kiss with spencer.

A week had past since your 3 year anniversary with Spencer, and tonight you two were going out with all of your friends to celebrate.  Unfortunately though, right now, you all were stuck at work. The only thing that made it bareable for you was working with Spencer.

"So, where are we going tonight?" You asked your handsome boyfriend while holding a stack of files and leaning against his desk.

He smiled, "it's a secret until tonight."

You faked a gasp, pretending to be hurt by him not telling you.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you when we get off work."

"You know it."

You leaned down to kiss him and when you pulled apart he was smiling like a goofball.

"There's the sexiest couple in the whole BAU." You heard Derek yell as he stepped out of break room.

"Goodmorning, Derek." You smiled, as he approuched you two.

You three chatted for awhile but then JJ called for you because you had the files she needed. Giving a goodbye kiss to Spencer and telling Morgan goodbye too, you were headed to her office.

Morgan and Reid watched as you disappeared.

"Ya know pretty boy, she's a keeper, better not let her go." He smiled, clapping Spencer on the shoulder and then sitting at his desk.

Spencer thought about what Derek told him. He was right, you were a keeper. And he wanted you to be his forever.

"Morgan, do you think you could come with me during lunch, I want you to help me with something."

"Yeah, no problem."
The day carried on as usual until lunch. You went to ask Spencer if he'd join you, but he declined and said he had plans with Morgan already. You settled for eating lunch with JJ and Garcia.

"You guys don't think he's finally bored of me, do ya?" You asked, picking at your salad.

JJ and Penelope looked at eachother with knowing smirks.

"Trust me (y/n), he's not bored of you." JJ smiled.

You agreed with a smile and the three of you talked about all the love lifes of your team.


Later that night at your anniversary dinner you had everyone laughing and reminiscing on how Spencer and you used to hate eachother. All that night your team and friends laughed about everthing in the past and what you were looking forward to.

"I have a toast," Hotch started, "to two of my best agents, friends and family members. You guys are the most badass, crime fighting couple, and I love you both. Cheers."

Derek, Penelope, David, JJ, you and Spencer all raised your glasses and cheersed to the toast Hotch made.

"I have something to say as well... (y/n), these past three years have been the most amazing three years of my life. You've tought me to love, cherish, and never give up on someone I love. Everyday with you is amazing. And quoting a good friend of ours 'we're a badass couple', and no one else would make a better crime fighting partner than you. I guess what I'm trying to say is... (Y/n), would you marry me?" Spencer asked, kneeling down on one knee and holding out a beautiful diamond ring.

Your hand flew to your mouth, "yes! Yes! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES, YES!!!!"

Spencer slipped the ring on your finger and you hugged him around his neck.

Clapping and cheers came from your friends and the surrounding restaurant.

"That's my boy." Derek smiled, hugging you both.

The rest of the team hugged and congratulated Spencer and you.

You looked at Spencer, "I cannot believe I'm going to be Mrs. Spencer Reid!"

He smiled at you as you examimed the ring on your finger.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too." You smiled, kissing him.


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