It Is 7 PM

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Summer had just started. I was sitting in a field that the older kids would hang out in. Shockingly, I was the only one there that day.

I gaze into the clouds, admiring the distant shine of the sun. The sounds of the wind brushing pass the trees, the birds chirping, the colour of the powerful red and orange engulfing the horizon. It all felt calming and warm.

The large woods I sat by gave a cooling breeze slowly hitting me once in a while, giving me the perfect spot to sit and enjoy the view.

I checked my phone to see the time. It was seven, twenty-three PM

I felt my eyelids slowly close. I took a deep breath to take it all in; the sun, the breeze, the birds, the utter peace filled glory I felt. As quick as it came was as quick as it went from the terrifying sound that killed the glorious peace and quiet.

A scream? There was a scream... and then silence.

My eyes opened after hearing the scream. I gazed in shock and fear of the nothingness that surrounded me. Everything that had felt so calming and peaceful disappeared in an instant. No sun, no clouds, no wind, no birds. Just me, the dark field and the cold woods.

Another blood curdling scream

I felt my heart pound through every inch of my body. The darkness and terrifying silence had consumed me rather quickly.

I felt tightness in my gut that made me shake in fear and terror. I could not move as I saw fog slowly drift out from the woods and surround me

...cold... it was so cold, I could see my own breath. Condensation had engulfed the lenses of my glasses and i could not see through the light fade of grey that had blocked my vision.

My mind shouted at me "Move!... Get your phone!" I had forgotten that I had my touch phone in my pocket. I now had a goal; get my phone, call my dad, and maybe even the cops. This goal repeated in my head for what felt like hours but was obviously seconds. The next shriek was let out, and it was closer. Closer than before.

The final cry broke me free from my tense fear. I got up and darted to the opposite direction of the field as fast as gravity would let me.

I took my glasses off, when I reached the area I bolted to, I attempted to catch my breath. I fell to the ground and my chest had burned in reaction to how fast and hard I ran.

I finally pull out my phone, and a sheet of folded paper that I have never seen before. I ignored it for the time being. there were too many questions swirling in my mind.

"What is going on? Why is there a girl screaming in the forest? Where did the sun and life of the field go? Where did this thick cold fog come from? Why did it get dark?" all these questions I had roaming in my head were all silenced when I pressed the power button on my phone and I witnessed the big bold numbers pop up my screen gave me the question that overtook the rest of the questions.

"How is it still seven, twenty-three PM?"

The Forest With The Tall ManWhere stories live. Discover now