Him and Him (One Shot ft. Jake Bass and Max Ryder)

Start from the beginning

And maybe, just possibly, I wanted him. And there was a 99.9% chance I wanted him to want me.

I gently detached myself from him, still holding his hands in mine. He raised his eyebrow, his eyes sparkling in the light. "What are you thinking, baby?" he asked sensually, making me blush. He grinned and whirled me around as the music played.

"Maybe we should go somewhere more...private," I answered, gesturing to a flight of stairs leading to the private bedrooms. Jake tilted his head with a smile, and nodded, taking my hand and leading me up there with him. Some of the rooms were occupied, but we found one at the end of the hall. Jake opened the door and ushered me in. I pretended to curtsy.

I walked in and settled myself on the bed, raising my eyebrows as he closed the door. He turned around, walking towards me with the smallest, most seductive smile I'd seen. I blinked as he walked towards me, finally kneeling in front of me.

"We're alone. What do want to do?" Jake said, staring at me with insistent eyes. I slowly smiled as he gently rested a hand on my neck. I smiled, closing my eyes for a second before opening them to see him smiling at me. He gently rubbed my neck, making me lean closer to him. "Answer me, baby. What do you want to do?"

His voice was so light, filled with wonder and slight hope. I smiled at him, dreamily. "I want you to take me," I answered, my voice not even wavering. Jake laughed, slowly getting up and righting himself on my lap, straddling me.

"I thought you'd never ask," he murmured, trailing kisses down my face. I shivered under his touch, and he teased my lips with his own. We stayed like that for a few seconds, his lips brushing over my awaiting ones, and finally, he gently kissed him. I slowly leaned backward, with him settled securely on me.

Our kiss intensified so that he was now, very lightly, moaning. I sucked on his bottom lip, making him moan a little louder. "Mm," he whispered in my ear. "Again, babe."

I lightly bit his bottom lip this time, making his toss his head back, slowly, as soon as I stopped. "You're driving me crazy," he whispered in my ear, and his breath warmed me.

"I'm glad," I answered with a smirk. He chuckled, and gently kissed down my neck. I gripped the sheets gently, pleasure making me moan as quietly as Jake had been. He smiled up at me, then started slipping off my shirt, inch by inch. I let him slip it over my head.

"Six pack," he remarked, rubbing a hand over my toned body. I laughed, reaching up to kiss him again. "I thought so."

"And you thought correctly," I answered, making Jake award me with more kisses. He slowly trailed his succulent lips down my stomach, to my waist. I wanted him to take off my pants and fuck me, hard. Instead, he took his sweet time unbuttoning my pants. He slipped them off, looking down at my black boxers.

"Hm," he mused. "I'll bet you there's something under here. Something worth my while." He reached up to kiss me, then lightly sucked on my neck. I moaned, a little louder this time, as I knew that spot would be a hickey when I woke up the next morning.

"I think you're right. Why don't you check, just to make sure?" I winked at him, though I first guided him back to my neck, wanting to get the feeling he'd gave me a moment ago. Fortunately, Jake did not disappoint. I moaned as he kissed my neck again, sucking on sweet spots and making me groan in ecstasy.

"You thought I wasn't going to check?" he asked playfully, and gently tugged my boxers down. My member was as stiff as a board. Jake took notice in this, and instantly started to tease me. "Someone likes me," he said, making me blush. "What do you want me to do, huh? Do you want me to do this?"

He lightly stroked my member, making me toss my head back. "Or..." Jake mused. "Do you want me to do this?" He put it into his mouth, sucking and licking, going all the way to my base before taking it out again. I moaned loudly, guiding his head so that he'd hit my spot every time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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