"Pansy!" Draco whispered,"Why did you do turned on?!"


Draco's POV
I quickly checked my hair again to make sure it wasn't grey. I mean, I didn't feel horny but as of that moment I was scared I would feel it without noticing. But no, my hair was pink... embarrassed...

"Awww, Draco dear, you look oh-so sweet with pink hair." Potter teased. I frantically looked at my hair once again, just to check, and I was slightly relieved but also annoyed to find it had turned a darker shade of pink. I knew that Potter was joking and he definitely didn't think I was cute but that didn't stop me from blushing.

"Oh, shove off, Potter." I spat and tried my best to sneer at him. Even though I knew it was slightly anti-climatic considering my head must have looked like candy floss at this point due to my embarrassment and excessive blushing.

Harry's POV
When Draco turned away to talk to Parkinson and 'Mione in whispers I decided to take a small look at the guide I was given.

Oh fuck, there's 'turned on' on there... that's kinda hot... this is gonna be fun.


Time skip to the next day ( Saturday )

Draco's POV
I went down to the Great Hall for dinner feeling incredibly nervous... so you know, my hair was blue. I'd skipped breakfast and lunch because I'm a bloody coward, but now I was really hungry, and all I'd done is lie in bed all day in my room so I need to eat.

I really don't want to exist right now.

What will people say? What will people think? What if my father hears and thinks that I've dyed my hair or something?! To my father it's like, the biggest disgrace EVER to dye your hair if you're a Malfoy. Oh god what if my hair is never blonde again?! This is the worst experience of my life, I swear to Salazar.

As I finally arrived outside the ceiling-high wooden doors that lead to my certain doom, my knees almost gave way from fright.

This isn't going to end well.

When I finally built up the courage to open the doors, the first face my eyes landed on was none other than Harry bloody Potter's. Curse that stupid, beautiful face.

His eyes met mine and I was slightly comforted, still absolutely terrified as there were about a thousand other pairs of eyes still looking at me with either surprise or amusement evident in their gazes, but slightly comforted all the same.

I tried my best to stride over to my seat next to Pansy and opposite Blaise with as much confidence as I could muster... it didn't really work. I could tell I looked uncomfortable. It's probably because I was.

I can not express to you how relieved I was to just sit down around people that I knew and loved. "You ok, Draco?" Pansy asked with a sinful smirk on her round face.

Scrap that 'love' part on second thought.

I just glared at her in response and piled my plate with warm, delicious-smelling food, making a point of looking down and not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Umm, Draco? If I may, why is your hair blue?" Blaise inquired.

Oh, Pansy didn't tell him...

"I think I'll let Pansy explain that one." I sneered back in a snarky tone. Everyone around me was whispering and pointing and it was starting to piss me off. As soon as I had that very thought, 80% of the hall suddenly went silent. I looked up after a moment in confusion and saw a lot of alarmed faces looking directly at me, or more specifically, my hair.

"Umm, Draco?" Blaise started.

"No. Don't you dare say anything. Yes, ok, my hair, it's red. And a second ago, it was blue. And I know that that is probably quite confusing, but, as I previously said, ASK PANSY. PANSY OR GRANGER. THEY CAN TELL YOU EXACTLY WHY MY HAIR IS SO FUCKED UP. THEY CAN TELL YOU WHY, IN DETAIL, so," I took a deep breath, I was fuming. "if you, any of you," I gestured to the entire hall. "Want to know, ask. Them."

I then looked back down, completely livid, and pretended nothing had happened, and continued eating my fucking mashed potatoes in peace.

About 10 minutes later, everyone had gone back to talking normally. If, of course, you count swarming Pansy and Granger and asking them what they did to me as normal. I decided to take a risk and look up. Not as many people were looking at me, thank god. Naturally my eyes drifted to Harry; well what do want from me?
He thankfully wasn't looking at me but at his plate, clearly trying to ignore the Weaselette practically hanging off his arm. He clearly didn't want her there, and neither did I. He was doing the same thing I was previously, just looking down and pretending the people annoying you, weren't there.

So yes, I literally just sat there, calming myself by watching my crush from across the room as he ate his dinner. That's how sad my life is.

Hair check... black ( neutral )... hmm, could be worse.

There wasn't anything particularly interesting about watching Potter eat, it just kept my thoughts at bay. I only really paid proper attention when he spilt some salt and used his finger to clean it up, by licking it off of said finger. Oh fuck.

Ohhhhh Jesus Christ
Don't get aroused, don't get aroused, oh please, oh please, don't! I chanted to myself in my head as he continued to lick fucking salt, and then gravy, off his bloody finger.

Why do I have to be such a horny little shit?!

Fucking teenage hormones!

I looked at my hair frantically and noticed to my horror that the ends were turning very, very, very light grey. My eyes widened in fear. I desperately hoped Pansy wouldn't notice as she was talking to Millicent to her left, but of course, Blaise had to ruin that.

"Hey, Pansy. What does grey mean, then?" He nudged her and asked. Pansys eyes widened and she spun round to look at me. A second hadn't passed before Pansy burst out in laughter, if you can even call it that. It sounded more like cackling. I was worried Potter had heard her so I looked over but he was already looking directly at me, sucking on the finger in his mouth, still, and I just couldn't watch. I bolted up from the table and sprinted for my very life towards the doors. I barged through them and made a b-line for Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, where no one would go looking for me.

As I was running I was shocked to hear Potters voice, shouting. "Malfoy! Hey, Malfoy, stop!" Images of him sucking on his finger flooded my head and I couldn't take it. I picked up speed and turned a corner, trying to lose him.

Oh god this can't be happening.

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