Viktor x Yuuri ~ Do you remember? I do.

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*viktor's p.o.v*

Dear yuuri katsuki,

Do you remember the first time we ever spoke? I do. And do you know why? Because it was the moment i fell completely and utterly in love with you. Do you remember the first time we kissed? I do.  I remember because i realized that i couldn't live without you. Without you, i would have gone back to my old lifestyle and i then realized that i didn't want that. Do you remember when i confessed my love to you? I do. I remember because i confessed to you on live television in front of millions of people and i also remember that you were crying tears of joy and you accepted my feelings for you and we started to date. Do you remember when we first spoke of your anxiety? I do. I remember because the thing that initiated the conversation about your anxiety was that you were having an anxiety attack and i rushed to your side to assist you and sing a lullaby in the few Japanese words that i learned because i loved you that much. Do you remember when we were walking down the streets of hasetsu and someone bumped into you and called you many bad names towards you? I do. I remember because That person was calling you a fag and telling you that pieces of shit such as you shouldn't be alive. That was also the first time i ever got into a fight with someone in japan. Do you remember when i got shot by a homophobic person? I do. And that's the reason why i'm writing this letter. I won't survive this and i wanted to let you know...

!.)I love you. always have, always will


2.)Never harm yourself please.

3.)I will always watch over you. In good times and bad times.

I love You yuri katsuki.

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