Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV 

I grabbed my Vans off of the table and put them on, not bothering with the laces. They were tucked in already, perks of having an overprotective roommate. I grabbed my board and took the helmet to make her feel better before skating off towards the park where Alycia wanted me to meet her. 

Technically I was supposed to be there at 11:30, but I normally don't wake up before 12. Which meant my ass is rolling in at like 11:45. I saw Alycia and Eliza talking about something, sitting closer than they really needed to. I stopped in front of Eliza, putting on my most charming smile and somehow in the lost process of introductions, making her blush redder than a strawberry. 

"Well, enough of that." Alyica said and I smirked. "Let's get started." 

"Hell yeah." I said, helping Eliza onto my board. We rode around for a bit, then I let them by themselves. We stopped around 1:45 on account of my stomach was making noises that'd scare dinosaurs.  "To the bar!" 

"The bar!" Alycia mimicked, holding onto my waist as we skated away. Eliza was pressed against my front, placing me in the middle of the board. Luckily, Alycia had gotten really good at stopping from the back. We walked into the bar and went to the back booth, getting the same thing we did yesterday. 

"Alycia told me you guys knew each other before?" Eliza said, sounding unsure. 

"Yeah, we were best friends back in Australia." I said taking a drink from my Pepsi. "I moved away, she let my turtle die." 

"I didn't let Tanner die." Alycia said, sounding a bit defensive. "So, Eliza when does the party start?" 

"Whenever Marie texts me." Eliza said and our food came. We ate quickly, the text coming right as Eliza finished her first beer. We packed up the extra in a to go box and called an Uber to pick us up. The drive had a bit of tension in it, which surprised me, but I didn't completely mind. 

"Is this the rock star?" Bob Morely asked and I waved, shyly. "I'm Bob." 

"Cool, I'm Y/n." I said shaking his hand. 

"This is Marie, Ricky, Lindsey, Devon, and Richard." Bob said stepping aside so I could see everybody. "Everybody this is Y/n, Alycia's friend." 

"Wow, Alycia knows how to pick them." Richard said and Alycia blushed. "Almost as well as I do." 

"Aww, stop it you." Bob said blushing a bit. I felt somebody pull on my arm and was dragged away by Marie and Lindsey. 

"You're literally the cutest." Marie said and Lindsey looked a bit jealous. "Alycia sent me a link to a couple of your videos." 

"I was hoping she couldn't find those." I said, rubbing the back of my head. They got me a drink and we sat in the kitchen talking for a bit while people filtered in and out. Eventually I had a few more I started to notice people migrating towards the ones they loved. Lindsey and Marie were always within a few feet of each other, Richard and Bob were almost always holding hands, and Eliza seemed to be really close to Alycia. 

"Hey, I'm Ricky." I looked up to see Ricky smiling at me. "We haven't really gotten a chance to talk, everybody's hogged you." 

"Yeah, I'm a really great party trick." I said, smiling a bit. "I mean, who doesn't want to hang out with the girl that once jumped off of a roof into a kiddie pool full of Jell-O to see if it's kill her?" 

"Really?" Ricky asked and I nodded. "Well, obviously it didn't." 

"You are correct, but now I can't eat lemon Jell-O." I said and he laughed a bit. "So, you heard my music?" 

"Yeah, Alycia played one of your softer songs while you were in the kitchen." Ricky said and I nodded. "You're really talented." 

"Thanks, now to convince my parents of that." I said, the little laugh at the end going unnoticed. "I'm gonna get another drink, you want one?" 

"Yeah, I'll go with you." Ricky said and we went to get drinks. I got a can of soda and he got a bottle of water. We sat on the couch and tuned in to the movie that somebody had insisted was watched. I ended up in between Ricky and Devon, the latter falling asleep with his hand on my shoulder, but not before telling some killer jokes.

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