Chapter 1

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Alycia looked around the playground, looking for somebody to play with. She knew some of the kids here, but they all looked to be doing boring things. Finally she came across a little girl by the basketball court just standing there, looking to be doing the same thing as her. She approached the other girl, noticing that she was just a bit taller than herself. 

"Hi." Alycia said and the girl turned around, looking slightly scared. "I'm Alycia." 

"Y/n." She said and Alycia smiled. "You aren't gonna hurt me are you?" 

"No, but you talk kinda funny." Alycia said giggling. The little girl looked sort of hurt, but like she'd heard that before. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I wanted to see if you'd be my friend and play with me?" 

"Yeah." Y/n said and Alycia smiled. "I don't have any friends here yet, I'm from America." 

"I heard that's far away." Alycia said and Y/n nodded. "One day I'm going to Hollywood and gonna be an actress." 

"I don't know what I wanna do yet." Y/n said following Alycia through the park. "I can play music like my daddy." 

"That cool." Alycia said and Y/n nodded. "I like music." 

"So do I." Y/n said, in a very matter of fact style. "I'm really good at guitar and drums." 

"Y/n!" A teenage boy yelled and Y/n looked up and frowned at Alycia. "Let's go, mom wants us home soon!" 

"That's my brother, I'll see you later Alycia." Y/n said getting up and smiling. 

"Bye." Alycia said and Y/n walked away. 

~~~~~~~~A few months later~~~~~~~~~~ 

"Alright, you got everything you need for school?" Y/n's mother asked and Y/n nodded. "Good, have a good day honey." 

"Bye mama." Y/n said running to catch up with her brothers. "I'm gonna be a kindergardener." 

"Yeah, I know." Y/n's brother said and Y/n grabbed a hold of his hand as they crossed the street. They walked to school, which wasn't very from their house and then Y/n walked to her classroom alone. As she looked around, she noticed the other children had their parents with them. She sat at the seat with her name on it and got out the same things the other parents were helping their kids with. 

"Y/n." Alycia said sitting in front of her smiling. "We have the same class." 

"Uh huh." Y/n said and Alycia smiled. "Maybe we're supposed to be best friends." 

"Yeah, I bet we are." Alycia said and Y/n smiled. "I bet we'll be friends forever." 

"I bet we will." Y/n said smiling brightly. 

~~~~~~~A couple years later~~~~~~~ 

"Why do I have to go?" Y/n asked her dad. She wanted to stay with her mother here, where her friend was. 

"Because your mother and I are getting a divorce and you need to continue with your music lessons." He said and Y/n's eyes teared up. "Besides, when we asked what you'd rather do earlier, you said music. Hey, don't cry, there's so much to look forward to. You get to meet Pop Pop and Cookie." 

"I don't want to!" Y/n yelled, tears streaming from her eyes. "I want to stay with Alycia and Tanner!" 

"I'm sorry, but you can't." He said hugging her. "But why don't you dry your eyes and go say goodbye to Alycia." 

"Okay." Y/n said rubbing her eyes. She washed the tear streaks off her cheeks and then went to Alycia's house. She knocked on the door, knowing she'd be getting on the plane in a couple of hours. Alycia opened the door and immediately noticed something was wrong. 

"What's wrong?" Alycia asked and Y/n sat down on the steps. "Did something happen?" 

"I have to move." Y/n said and Alycia looked at her. "I'm going to Sandusky in a couple of hours." 

"Michigan?" Alycia asked and Y/n nodded. "Oh, will you still visit me?" 

"Yeah, I will." Y/n said and Alycia smiled. "What?" 

"If you're visiting me, there's no reason to be so sad." Alycia said and Y/n shook her head. "What?" 

"I have to leave you and Tanner." Y/n said and Alycia gave her a sad look. "Will you take care of him for me?" 

"Yeah, did you bring him?" Alycia asked and Y/n nodded, handing her over a tiny turtle. "Let's go put him in the tank." 

"Okay." Y/n said following Alycia. They put the small turtle in the tank and watched it until Y/n heard her father's car honk. "I gotta go." 

"Okay, well, I'll see you later." Alycia said, pretending that it was just like any other day in order to keep herself from crying. 

"Alycia, what if we don't?" Y/n asked, knowing about her brother's friends that had been back home that he never talked to. 

"Don't say that Y/n, we will. I'll see you later." Alycia said, her voice breaking a bit.


"Punk Princess Y/n has signed to record the soundtrack to upcoming movie Troubled as well as starring with a minor part." The news anchor said and Y/n began to plug in her bass. "The young woman has yet to gain a reputation for anything off of her YouTube channel or live performances, but has gained popularity on Tumblr." 

"Ramon, it'd be cool if you turned that the fuck off." Y/n said and the large man behind the bar smirked, changing it to an old hockey game. "Now this I can get behind." 

"Your shift starts in three hours." Ramon said and Y/n nodded. "Also, congratulations. I'm really proud of you and I bet Ava's going to love hearing your music." 

"Actually, it's all cover songs." Y/n said and Ramon looked a bit surprised. "Most of them aren't punk either, but I get to put my little spins on them. Although I did work in Black Velvet, so if Ava isn't happy, Miley will be." 

"Yeah, she will." Ramon said, knowing how his eldest daughter loved that song. "You should bring some of your cast mates here, get us some business." 

"I'll see what I can do." Y/n said hopping behind the counter. "How about I take my shift early and then we close a bit later since I have to be to set in eight hours?" 

"I'll close up now and pick the girls up from school." Roman said and Y/n followed him out of the bar. 

AN:// This is Pretenders, just with a different title and obvious changes. Hopefully you still like it even with the changes. Um, have a nice evening.

Through Different Eyes ||Alycia Debnam Carey||Where stories live. Discover now