chapter 2: Earth to remnant

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Me: I look around my room taking everything in I wonder if I'll ever be able to come back" but you wanted this so let's go" I walk outside I bring some clothes in a bag and I have my bicycle with me."shiro!" I wait for a while then she appears.

Shiro:"sedrick shadden are you ready?" She smiles at me.

Me:"yes" she takes my hand and a bright light appears around me when it fades I'm on a street." Hey this is from the first episode does that mean I'm going to find ru-" she pulls me suddenly into the Shadows.

Shiro:" you can't interact with them just yet wait" I do and after a while I see a guy go flying through the window.

Me:" can I now?" I watch as Ruby Rose jumps through the window after him she has crescent Rose out now.

Shiro:"no" The Annoying Thing was she was incredibly calm.

Me: I groan but make sure to be quiet. I sit there watching Ruby fight and then watch Roman Escape. And watch glynda do her magic thingy. But when roman got to the Airship thing something was off Cinder had made a giant Fireball in mid-air.

Shiro:" now go!!" She didn't have to tell me twice I immediately ran into the path of the fireball I summon my sword and naturally having the element of ice I was able to block the fireball but it left a lot of steam.

Me:"well crap" when it cleared they were gone." Well I guess makes sense" I look around for Shiro but only find an awestruck Ruby and a disapproving Glynda.

Glynda:" young man you do realize what you've just done?" Before I could answer she grabbed me by the ear and start hauling me off, Ruby followed.

Me:" I know it looks bad but-" before I can continue she let's go of my ear.

Glynda:" wait here and do not move" she takes ruby into a building.

Shiro:"do you understand now?" Yep once again when the action started she left but once it was over she comes back.

Me:" I think I do certain events are going to happen differently"

Shiro:"yes and that's where you come in" so I had to help when things got weird okay that made sense.

Me:"okay I can do that" while I was sitting there I noticed another person had been listening to us I turned to see ozpin.

Ozpin:"Shiro has already explained to me the situation you'll be going to Beacon when you are ready" after that he left.

Shiro:" as you can see I already have everything taken care of" well she was prepared I'll give her that much.

Me:" i honestly think you have a little too much prepared"shiro disappeared and when I turned around I realized why.

Ruby:" I'm Ruby what's your name?" Of course I already knew her name.

Me:" it's Sedrick nice to meet you ruby" we sat there talking for a while about how we were going to go to Beacon and about her weapon Crescent Rose.

( for those of you who don't know this is what ruby and her weapon look like)

( for those of you who don't know this is what ruby and her weapon look like)

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(It's also a sniper rifle)

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(It's also a sniper rifle)

Ruby:" so what's your weapon?" She asked eagerly.

Me: I realized my weapon had disappeared again so I summoned it." This is my sword it doesn't have a name though" she stared wide-eyed at me.

Ruby:" so your sword is your semblance?"( for those of you who don't watch Rwby asemblance is a special ability that those with aura can unlock everyone semblance is unique to them except in certain cases Weiss for example but I'll get to that later) she continue to stare at me in awe and it was making me uncomfortable.

Me:" no it's not it's just..." how am I going to explain to her that the sword is literally an extension of my soul. I was about to explain whenever I heard a beeping sound Ruby took out her scroll.

 I was about to explain whenever I heard a beeping sound Ruby took out her scroll

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( basically just phones but they can monitor Aura levels)

Ruby:" I got to go my sister is calling me it was nice to meet you Sedrick see you at Beacon!" She walked off humming cheerfully to herself.

Me:" well that was fun"


That was great sorry about the pictures and explanations i have some friends who don't watch rwby.

See you next time and....

"Let's go all out!!!!!"

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