Cat #16 (Part 1)

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"Shinna" that's the name I gave him, my "Obedient Son". He was the first kid of third generation. He 'was', because he is dead now. But I would like to tell you about him in present. Because no 'was' can tell his story as 'is' can.

Cali had gone out last night and she was heavily pregnant. Today morning when we opened the door, she was there waiting for the door to open. It seems she is ready to give birth. But we are not happy, as this is the third time she will give birth. Last two times she gave birth to dead premature babies. We were fearing the same would happen this time too. But what can a mom do but to help her child. We were going to pull us from these tough times again for her.

Like always, Cali had to give birth on our bed. But at least she let us put some cardboard and clothes before letting her give birth. Cats are like that you know, They will wait till you are ready before they give birth. Wanting all the attention to be on them only. . So started the process of pain and love. Even through all the pain, she remained strong. My mother and sister were there with her, giving her all the love and support and feeding her.

Shinna came out, at last. But there was a problem, he was upside down and so his legs came out first and his head was still stuck. It was really panicky situation as Cali refused to push and there was no reaction from the kitten. We thought he was dead. But like the strong babe he was, he came out using his own strength into this world. He was black colored kitten with grey pattern over his back, and a white "cottonmouth" just like his ancestors. Cottonmouth means the part under their mouth.

After his birth ensued the struggle between his mum and us, as she was trying to eat him too like she previously did with her premature babies. Also, Shinna wouldn't even drink her milk. We thought he will die but after searching on Google on "what to feed an abandoned kitten?" We found the perfect solution: "Honey". Not only Shinna drank it but loved it whole heartedly. Cali too stopped her efforts to kill him and accepted that he was her babe, Her Little One.

But when has Life started being good. Bad times came and I'll tell you all about it. About Shinna's happy life and his painful ending too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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