Cat #1

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I have always been intrigued by the creature that is cat. They are always so carefree and at the same time so attentive. But there's always been negative thoughts that are related to them. I remember the time when my mom told me that cats are bringer of bad news, that they are the negativity itself. I was curious but also afraid. They have the eyes that just screams danger, don't they? As a child, I had experienced a good time with kittens but never with an adult cat.

The first adult cat I met was when we were living in a part of Southern India. She was around 3-4 years old. But she looked old, more experienced. I can still remember the day clearly.

I was opening the front door and there I saw a black cat with a random print of colours on her. She was beautiful. But I was scared, what is she doing here? Will she attack me once I'm outside? These sort of questions were running through my mind. I immediately closed the doors and went inside and told my mom what I saw. She told me not to be afraid as the cat may only be hungry and here for some milk and asked me to give her some of it from kitchen.

As I was bringing her milk in a bowl, I don't know how she knew but she started meowing loudly as if to say to bring it fast. I gave it to her which is gladly drank but as her business was done she went away. Her tail moving around to maybe say thank you (wouldn't I like some sort of reward🙃).

I saw her in front of my house many times afterwards. It would bring me a great joy just to see her drink that milk. She was heavily pregnant at that time and later gave birth to cat #2 and #3.

After some day she didn't come for days. I was really worried for her. One day we had to go to my sister's classmate house. She told us that a cat had given birth to two kittens under a broken chair near her house. We were excited to see new kittens and told her to bring us to them.

What I saw blew my mind. It was the same cat, she had given birth.
After that I brought her milk daily and eventually as the kittens grew, she started to bring her to our house for milk. I saw her teaching her kittens the ropes of being a cat. It was really cute. I didn't know such a bond could be made between a human and cat as it was between us. Mind you, I was unaware of the world of YouTube.

One day, she stopped coming completely. I had hoped she will come but she never did. I saw her kittens but they both were always alone. I knew she may have died (I was sure about it). But to relieve myself of her loss I simply thought that she ran away.

That was my first time I bonded with a cat. She was a really beautiful cat. Even her eyes which once looked like danger to me, reflected her love for her kittens and so for me. I was maybe the only person who loved her along with feeding her.

I will always remember her as cat #1 as I never named her. She was old so only cute noises would make her come to me. If I had named her then it would be.. Nah. Let her stay cat #1 for me.

Rest in peace, my cat #1.

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