The Great Escape

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(A/n)- Fuck it (sorry, not sorry) I'm posting the next chapter now... sorry it's not the best, but here it is.


Pennywise POV

  Ahhh the screams of the mental. No one believes them when they saw there's a 6'4" murderous clown on the loose. Until they see it too. Whelp that's what's happening now. I was killing my way through to (y/n). Workers, patients, anyone who got in my way. I didn't care how many I had to kill, I mean they'll never catch me. I'm 'Pennywise the Dancing Clown'. I went on the elevator to the next floor to the psychiatric center. The doors opened and they're the rest of the losers club stood. I've waited so many years to kill these freaks. Yes, I know I'm a killer clown, and people call me a freak, but these losers have always gotten in my way. "Hello, Pennywise" Eddie spoke, "hiya, whatcha got there behind your back?" "It's an axe asshole, cause this time you're not getting away" "I see you still haven't grown up, cut the shit kid you know you can't kill me" "no, but there's five of us, and if I can't then I'm going down swinging" "nice chat, but I'm going to get my girl so you best be getting out of my way" they all came at me with all their weapons. My claws extended from my white, now blood stained, gloves. I have a nice pearly white smile, showing all my rows of teeth. As they came at me I was throwing them, kicking them, biting off limbs, everything I could do until they were all dead. As I was shredding little miss Beverly apart, I felt a sharp pain in my back, I shrieked with pain, I turned to see one of the boys, (Mike), still alive and he'd struck me with an ax. I grabbed it out of my back, and took it in my hands. I laughed, then drawled the axe back. With one clean hit, I cut Mike's head clean off. I retorted back to my self and continued to look for (y/n).

Your POV

  I was unconscious. I don't know for how long, but I could still hear middle screams coming from out the door. I didn't know what was happing but I know it had something to do with my Pennywise. The door busted down and I heard him yelling my name. "(Y/n)!, oh (y/n) baby what have they done to you?!" I felt him unstrap me and lie me on the hospital floor, "baby please you gotta wake up, you gotta wake up now (y/n)! Please baby wake up!" He held me in his arms and sobbed. I started to regain consciousness. I couldn't move my body, I had no strength after they tortured me so much. "Penny? Am I safe now?" "Yes baby, you're safe, I'm here now. No one is gonna hurt you ever again I promise." I smiled up at his gorgeous teary blue eyes. "But baby we have to go now, I just killed a lot of people, the cops will be here soon" "Penny I can't walk" "then I'll just have to carry you". He picked me up bridal style and kissed me of the forehead, "now let's go home". As he walked through the hospital I started to walk asleep. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

Pennywise POV

  I walked through the hospital through the hospital hoping that I'd be able to get out without the cops showing up. But lo and behold that wasn't happening. I walked off the elevator and there stood a whole swat team with their guns pointed to me. "DROP THE GIRL" "hiya, it's a shame" "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT CLOWN?!" "It's a shame I have to kill you all, but so be it" I laid (y/n) down in the elevator and shut the door so she would get shot. I turned back around and grinned, "I guess I'll start this show", then I got hit with a bullet, "so that's how you're gonna play huh". I opened my jaws and extended my claws again. Attacking each and everyone, of course I got shot up with a shit ton of bullets but that can't kill me. I ripped heads off, limbs off, broke necks, ate people, even stole a gun and killed that way, that was new and yet fun. My way was still better. After I was finished I opened the elevator door and grabbed my (y/n), and I turned to find one last cop, but in the blink of an eye I was gone. I went back to (y/n)'s house and rested her on her bed. She looked exhausted and ill. For the next three days she didn't get up much or move, only to use the bathroom, which I carried her to, eat, I brought her every meal so she didn't have to get up, or to take medicine for the pain from the electric shocks. I didn't mind taking care of my love. I just hated seeing her like this. She awoke with that smile that made my heart flutter, and spoke in the sweetest voice.
                       "Hiya, Penny!"

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