Stalked by IT

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"Hiya (Y/n)"

Still standing there he spoke again. "Awe,what's the matter, doll? Scared?" He poured but his eyes showed pure evil. "W-who the hell are you?!" I finally spat out, "how rude of me, why I'm pennywise the dancing clown!" He shook while saying. "Do you want a balloon (y/n)?" "What do you want?" I asked try to avoid his question, "you" he plainly replied with a smirk. "Me?! What do you want with me?!" "I just want a friend my dear, you see I'm very lonely down here." He looked sad when he said that, I almost felt kind of bad for him but then I remembered he's probably wanting to kill me. "You know what I'm good, maybe I should go-" "go? You want to leave? But without this?" He held up my phone "how the-?" How the fuck did he get my phone? It was in my pocket the whole time. "Ahhh see, you can't leave without this. You want it?" He stared for a moment "take IT!" He whispered aggressively putting emphasis on the "T". I started to reach for it but I stopped "No." "no? Why not dear, don't you want it?" I shook my head and stared at him trying to look brave. "Smart girl."

"Well here you are." He tossed my phone up at me and I caught it "no tricks today, but I promise we will meet again!" He started to laugh evilly, so I ran "you can rUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE (Y/N)!!" I heard from behind me, I ran home as fast as I possibly could. When I got in I was out of breath and drenched by the rain. I locked the door behind me and slid to the floor. "Who-what the hell is he?!" "Why me?!" "What does he want?!" I said out loud panicked he'd find me. He was everywhere I turned. I don't know if I'm just seeing things or if he was really there but one things for sure he is driving me CRAZY!

Soon as I caught my breath I went upstairs to shower. A nice steamy shower should make me feel better. I was right, it did help, but I still couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I stood there letting the water run over me. I opened my eyes and blood! Blood was everywhere! The water had turned to blood!! It was hot and sticky, I turned the water off but it just kept flowing. I started to scream and backed against the shower wall. And then I heard his voice again "(y/n) we all float down here" "STOP! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" His cackling spread throughout the room, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I closed my eyes and it stopped. When I opened them there were no blood, the water had turned back the way it was. Everything was normal. I shook it off and grabbed my towel to dry off. I put on a shirt and a pair of baggy sweats and decided to call it a night. Not that I'll get any rest though with the day I've had. I laid my head down on my pillow and before I knew it I was out like a light.

I saw him, he was there in the street drain again. "STOP! NO PLEASE! PLEASE STOP!!" I screamed as he chased me trying to kill me. I screamed once more, oh it was just a nightmare, I woke up scared and panicked. A nightmare about that demonic thing! I turned on my lamp beside my bed and adjusted my eyes to the light. There in the middle of my room was a single red balloon floating. "What the fuck?" I murmured. Then suddenly the the balloon starts to float closer to me and it's getting bigger. It keeps getting bigger until it pops. And there he stood towering over me. He's so tall. And actually a bit attractive. Wait what no time to be thinking of that we're gonna die!

"Hello gorgeous!" He grinned, wait am I blushing?! STOP BLUSHING!! "Awe look at those rosy red cheeks!" He pointed out, "I bet we can make them even redder!" His expressed turned dark and he grabbed me by the throat with his long slender fingers. He pushed me to the wall and held me with one hand, slamming my head against it over and over. Then with his other hand claws ripped through his white gloves and he was about to tear me to shreds, "p-please! Please p-pennywise! D-don't do this!" I got out.

He lowered his hand and then dropped me to the floor. I gasped for air coughing, "I can't DO THIS ANYMORE!" He screamed at me. I looked at him confused, his face looked angry but showed sympathy. Kind of sweet. Yeah, so sweet there (y/n) he just tried to kill you. "WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!" He hit himself in the head with the palm of his hand, still confused I scooted away, he sat on the edge of my bed. Is he okay, should I ask? "Um.... why what?" I squeaked out. "I can't kill you... I want to, well wanted to, but I just can't!" I didn't speak. "I've been watching you since you were 9 years old, at first I wanted to kill you. But I watched you grow until you were 15, and all I wanted to do was protect you... but you left me, you left me for 3 years, but you're back now.... and I don't know what to do?!" His head dropped in his hands, is he crying? Oh I can't help but think he's beautiful.

"Please don't kill me..." "what?" He looked up at me, "I'll do anything, please pennywise." "I'm nOT GOING TO KILL YOU!! At least not right now." Shit. "You're lucky tonight..." he stood up and got closer to me, I turned my head away from him, he stroked me face lightly and smiled but it soon faded into a grimace. "...but next time you might not be so lucky." And with the he disappeared.

Was he being kind to me? Why did he show me mercy? Why didn't he kill me? Why was I so attracted to him?! What were all these feelings? I was scared for my life, but at the same time I had butterflies. Either way I'd never forget that face. Reddish/orange hair, blue eyes that turned yellowish when he was angry, that sad look on his face when he didn't kill me. There was something about all this I didn't get, I wanted to find out. I knew it wasn't the last time I'd be seeing Pennywise. I was determined for him to find me, or I'd find him. That's exactly what I intend on doing.

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