Chapter 14: Fool me once

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Anna sighs, "Katherine was being reckless, playing with the young Salvatore brother, Mary was being careful and clean up her sister messes, but she fell in love with Damon, the love-struck idiot." she states, "Says the girl that is stalking my brother and "thinks" she's dating him." Samathea states Anna glares at her, "So what happened?" Samathea pulls her away from the comment. "Katherine, being her reckless self, got both Mary and my mother caught and sealed away," she states. "And you think Bonnie is just going to help?" Samathea states, Anna smirks "I will make her help me, even if I have to kill Elena." she states, Samathea eyes darken, making the two vampires stiffen Samathea slowly uncross her arms and legs and leans forward, "You even think about touching her, or Bonnie. I will make sure you suffer, more than you loosing dear mommy." Samathea promises her.

"Take her to the bathroom and bring me, Elena." Anna orders Ben, he nods, walks up to Samathea, grips her arm and pulls her off the bed and into the bathroom, Elena and Bonnie look at them, he reaches over and shuts the sink off, then lets go of Samathea's arm. "Elena, Bonnie," Samathea said with rejoicing, she kneels down beside them, and they all hug each other. Then they look up at Ben. "You're wasting your time, I won't help you," Bonnie tells him, he just smirks, walks over and kneels down and pulls Elena away from them, Bonnie and Samathea reach out to her, gripping her arms. "That's why they're here, a motivation for you to behave, you know, you shouldn't be so desperate, you made it to easy," he tells her, then pulled Elena away. "Sis..." Samathea calls out, her eyes glowed goldenly. "No Sammy, it's alright, I'll be alright," she tells her, Samathea pulls back, eyes fade back to blue, then moves next to Bonnie, holding her in her arms.

"She wants to talk to you." Ben tells her and shoves her out of the bathroom and closes the door and looks down at the two, "Well now I see why Damon is so taken with you, you're a real spitfire." he states, leaning against the sink. "Please, Damon would sooner rip my heart out then be taken with me," Samathea tells him, he chuckles. "And I see why Anna got you so whip," she tells him, making him stiffen. "You don't know what you're talking about." he states, "I do, I can sense your fear for her, your love for her, but what I can sense from her, is love for her mother, you. You're just expendable to her." she tells him, he growls and his eyes pulse red.

"Don't you even think about it, if you even try to hurt me or Bonnie, I will fry you," Samathea said darkly, he stiffens as she held Bonnie closer to her like a mother would her child.


Damon stood in front of Sheila's house and knocks on the door, she opens it and looks at him, "Yes?" she asks. "Hi there, I'm looking for Bonnie?" he asks her, "She's not here." she tells him, "Oh, do you know when she'll be back?" he asks, "Never." she snaps at him, Damon smirks. "You have quite an opinion for someone who doesn't know me," he states.

"You got some nerve knocking on a Bennett witch's door and asking her for anything." she tells him, anger in his voice, "What did I do?" he asks her, "Spirits talk mister Salvatore and so does my granddaughter, you are no friend to us. Now get off my porch." she orders him. "Step outside and say that." Damon challenges her, Sheila glares at him, Damon looks at her, then grips his head in pain, backup, Shelia steps out and looks at him. "I am not Bonnie, you don't want to mess with me," she tells him and walks back into the house, closes the door and presses her back to the door, calming her pounding heart.


Anna and Elena stood alone in the room, Anna stood at the window looking outside as Elena sat on the bed, "You know Bonnie's not going to open that tomb." Elena tells her, "Oh I think she will." she states, "Do you really want Mary Ann out that bad?" Elena asks her, Anna looks at her with a sad frown. "I would be lying if I said I didn't want her free, but her sister Katherine, I hope that bitch rots," Anna tells her, Elena looks at her. "Katherine couldn't resist being reckless, couldn't resist killing, Mary was always cleaning up her mess, but couldn't help but fall in love with Damon, but couldn't stop Katherine from fooling around with Stefan. And thanks to her actions, her and Mary got caught, my mother included." Anna tells her. "So your mother is stuck and the tomb and you want her out," Elena concludes.

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