Chapter Ten- "Tell Me What This Is."

Start from the beginning

            I watched Justin head into the recording booth, but before he put the headphones over his ears he signaled for Darrell to turn the microphone on.

            “Kaylie would you be like the best person in the entire world and go get me a water please?”

            It felt like my heart dropped into my stomach when I heard the words leave his mouth. I get that it was just a joke but technically I’m supposed to be the best person in the world because I’m his fiancé. Plus, why would he ask her to get it and not me?

            Her face turned a bright red again and she nodded her head and stood up from the couch. You could practically see her thong fall out of her skirt.

            “Looks like you’ve officially earned the title.” He chuckled.

            My eyes burned into him and I swear I could feel tears in my eyes. I wasn’t sad, I was pissed. The tears I had were out of anger. I can’t believe this is even happening right now. He said I have nothing to worry about? I don’t believe that for a second now.

            If he wants to continue flirting with Kaylie then fine, but two can play this game. I thought I’d be playing games with Kaylie today but looks like I’ve been mistaken. He needs to learn that I’m not just going to sit around and watch him hit on other girls and let him get away with it because in no way shape or form am I that kind of girl.

            Standing up from the couch, I walked over to Darrell and ran my fingers through his hair, making his eyes widen.

            “Your hair is really soft.” I giggled and bit my lower lip, causing Justin’s jaw to clench through the window. “It’s like… the best hair in the world.”

            Darrell started to get red in the face out of embarrassment and he couldn’t help but smile.

            “Well uh, thanks Sophia.” He shyly said.

            “No problem. Looks like you’ve officially earned the title.” I mocked Justin from a couple minutes earlier and bit my bottom lip.

            I started to think he hadn’t seen me until I watched him throw his headphones on the ground and storm out of the room, sending me the biggest death stare he could give.

            “Get the fuck outside. Now.” He seethed.

            I don’t see why he was even mad right now because to be honest he deserved that. He didn’t like it when I did it to him yet it was okay for him to do it to me? That’s not fair.

            Closing the door behind him, he pushed me up against the wall and grabbed my hand.

            “Tell me what this is.” He threw my hand to my face and my eyes settled on the huge diamond ring he gave me.

            “It’s an engagement ring.” I stated, never losing eye contact with him.

            “So why the fuck are you flirting with other guys?”

            His eyes were filled with nothing but anger and maybe even a hint of sadness. It would have bothered me more if I wasn’t so pissed off at him.

            “Yeah well maybe you should remember who put this here.” I shot back and flashed the ring in his face. “How about you stop flirting with Kaylie?”

            This whole situation kept repeating itself and I was starting to get tired of it. I just wanted to know that Justin would never cheat on me. I didn’t think he would, but after his encounter with Kaylie a couple of minutes ago I couldn’t help but worry.

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