Official Trailer 1

Start from the beginning

Back on Jackson Street, Georgie yells "No" as his paper boat speeds faster than he can run, headed directly for the sewer.

"Until it's too late."

Georgie crouches down to look into the sewer, in a fatal attempt to retrieve his boat. The background music dies down until all that is heard is the rain hitting the ground and flowing into the sewer.

A jarring noise brings the figure of Pennywise to attention. Stepping out of the shadows in the sewer, he holds the paper boat.

"Here." He says as his smile widens.

"Take it." He coaxes a confused Georgie. Slowly, Georgie's hand extends to reach for the boat before the screen cuts to black.

From Stephen King's Terrifying Novel.

"My Grandfather thinks this town is cursed." Mike says as the Loser's Club sits in the City Center. Eddie looks to Holly as she looks to him. The Fourth of July Festivities surround them.

The camera cuts to Eddie looking at the dilapidated house on Neibolt Street.

In the library, Ben flip the pages of a book containing the town history. Pennywise, the Clown is sketched amongst townspeople.

"That all the bad things are because of one thing. An evil thing." Mike narrates. Bill walks past the gates and into the yard of the same house on Neibolt Street.

Henry Bowers is walking towards a single red balloon attached to his mailbox.

Back in the library, Ben shuts his book, startled by what he has read.

An unsure Bill walks through his own home. The lights are off as he follows muddy foot prints down the stairs. Once at the bottom, he turns to his kitchen. Georgie in his yellow rain coat pass. Bill drops the turtle formed by Legos, which breaks into many pieces on the dark wood floor. He descends the basement stairs. The reflection of water dances on the roof and walls.

"Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float too." The figure of Georgie says ominously as a terrified Bill watches.

"Georgie." Bill breathes, barely able to get the name out.

Pennywise rose from the water beside Georgie who was now fully facing Bill.

The scene switches to the Losers walking beside their bikes on a paved road.

"I saw something." Bill explained. Holly nods her head along, staring at the ground. All of the kids do the same.

"A clown." Eddie says, causing all of them to look at him. Holly frowns at the idea of Eddie being terrified like she was. "Yeah I saw him too." He confirms.

The scene cuts to Beverly turning into the clown. His hand wraps around her neck as she stops.

This September

"What happens when another Georgie goes missing?" Bill says. He masks the voice of Georgie repeating the chant, "You'll float too". Bill picks up the shoe belonging to Betty Ripsom in the sewer.

Henry Bowers flips the blade of his lost knife up.

"Or, one of us?" Bill finishes, standing on the steps of the Neibolt house. Georgie's chanting becomes more intense as his voice gets deeper. Becoming more demonic.

Stanley flashes the flashlight down the tunnels of the sewer. The light catches Pennywise peek out from a corner.

"Are we just gonna pretend it doesn't happen like everybody else in this town?" Bill's voice is heard over flashes of different adults.

Mrs. Kaspbrak.

The Pharmasist, Mr. Keene.

Holly's mother.

The camera changes to the Losers with a red glow on them.

The Losers, minus Beverly ride down the road.

"If we stick together," Bill's voice-over continues as an image of Beverly is flashed. Georgie's chanting grows in volume and intensity as Bill leads Richie, Eddie and Holly up the stairs of the Neibolt house.

"We win." He finishes.

The scene cuts to the Losers running through the sewers, flashlights in hand. A flashlight is shone on Beverly. The girl was floating in the air, seemingly in a trance.

A horrified Holly is shown, staring up at her best friend.

Mike tries to fight himself away from burn hands, reaching out for him.

Eddie runs past the Neibolt house and away from a Leper who is chasing him.

Ben runs down the middle of a wide stream of water.

Pennywise crawls out of a cabinet.

A hand reaches for Eddie who peers down a hole in the second floor of the house.

The Losers stare in horror at Pennywise, now with a clawed hand. Some are on the ground and others are against the wall. All are trying to make more space between themselves and the psycho clown.

Ben yells as his head is being pulled by what seems to be mummy wraps.

Beverly is hunched over her bathroom sink as blood spews out of the drain and onto her face.

Stan is lifted into the air by Pennywise.

The missing Bowers Gang member, Patrick, stares in horror at whatever is out of frame. He yells and fire engulfs the view.

All of the chanting, yelling and music dwindles to nothing as Richie turns towards the camera. With only a small blue glow illuminating him, it is difficult to see the room full of clowns he is in. The lights flash as he steps forward. He approaches a box, walking in between the clown figurines.

A yelling Pennywise is flashed as he jumps off of the box Richie was approaching before, running to the camera. Richie, terrified, runs backwards and away from the clown as it reaches for him.


September 8

A/N: So i saw other authors do this simular thing to give a glimpse of what is in store and I thought it was cool as hell. So I did one. Obviously, credit goes to whoever it is due. My original thoughts are mine though, you know how it is.

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