Being Free!

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"What!!!" You shouted. "You expect me t-to share a room with those self-concieted, selfish jerks?!"

"Yep." Kris (short for Kristina) said, popping the 'p'. "Anyway, they're not that bad. You and Free just got off to a pretty...uh... rough start?"
"Are you implying, that somehow what happened that day was a MY fault?"
"Er..well-" Kris started.
"And what about Django?"
"What about him?" Kris said, raising an eyebrow like, oh no, what now?
"Well he's a flirt! AND, have you considered that I'm the only girl in that GOD-FORSAKEN dorm?!"
"Well, we would pair you up with Shasa, except that room is taken, and there are not enough girls in BC Sol. So for now, I'm going to need you to deal. Understand?"
You sighed, feeling sorry for the way you were behaving, and for yourself. "Ok." You whispered, barely audible.
"Thank you for complying." She said as she watched me leave.
" 'Thank you for complying,' " You mimicked. "Thank you for complying my a-"
"What was that?"
"Nothing!" You chirped.

                                                                               Dorm A1
You dropped your luggage on the bed that was farthest away from the other two beds on the right side. You explored the room and saw a white couch. Hmmmm. 
You flopped down on it. "Ahhh, sweet reli-"
"Free?!" You got into some weird Jackie Chan stance, that involved a lot of yelling like, whooooo, yaaaaaaa!
You back hand slapped him, by 'accident'.
He sighed, and rubbed the red mark on his face. "Oh. It's you." He said it like he was looking at a disgusting pig.  "Why are you here, anyway?" He tilted his head like usual.
"I wouldn't be here if Kris hadn't put me in this dorm." You said.
"Jeez," you continued, kinda to yourself. "I get that Kris trusts me more than anyone, but still-what if I see something I'm not supposed to?
Free's eyebrow twitched. "Kristina trusts me way more than YOU."
You closed your eyes and smirked. "Which is why your always so stiff around her?"
"Shut up."
Your opened your eyes and peered at him. "LISTEN HERE LITTLE BOY, I'VE KNOWN KRIS AS LONG AS YOU HAVE!"
He smiled, knowing he had gotten to you. "Remember that day?  When you got suspended? Did Kris stand up for you then, or was I mistaken?"
You tackled him onto the couch, holding his collar, and pulling him up to your eye level. "Never, EVER, in your miserable life mention that again." You dropped him, and turned around to find Django, sitting there, with a bowl of popcorn and a rose. He went up to you, and handed you the rose. He kissed your hand and said, "M'lady." (A/n: I don't think I spelled that right. IGNORE.)
I fake blushed, and turned so that Free could see me. He rolled his eyes and turned away. "Oh, thank you Django. How BEE-autiful." You said, adding some fake tears. Oh yeah, you said in your head. Putting those drama lessons to use!!
"Oh, please." Free said, leaving the room. "When you guys are done eating each other- sorry, kissing, let me know."
"oooOOOOHHH," you shouted so he could hear. "Is someone JELLY?!"
"NOO!" He said from outside the door.

 "Anyway," Django started. "We really should kiss. I mean you're cute, I'm charming, what could possibly go wrong?

"That's what they all say, and then they get their hearts  broken by insufferable pricks." 

 "Fine, but tell me what happened that day."


"Uhhhhh..... No."

"Awwwwwwwwww, why not?"

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