chapter 3

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Larmina P.O.V

Daniel went off with the female paladin and Y/n, and they still haven't come back. I suddenly hear my name. "LARMINA!" my aunt Allura yelled at me. "Hmm? Yeah, what is it?" i ask. Allura sighed. "Please pay attention, ok Larmina? Anyway, could you go find Daniel and the others?" She asked me. Ok, more like told me to. "Ok." and right as I said that they appeared. "where were you three?" Keith asked them. "just showing the green paladin some technology." y/n answered. Daniel walked up to me and Vince. "she knows we're planning something in the catacombs." He quietly told us. "how did she learn about it?!" I asked him. "'I explore the catacombs too, ya know'. That's what she said." He replied. I rolled my eyes. "these are the cadets. Larmina, Vince, and Daniel." when our name was called we acknowledged it. "hi."daniel and vince said at the same time. I just looked at the man with the robotic arm. I must have been staring, because he noticed me looking and said, "the galra gave me this in an experiment." "oh. That mu-" i got interrupted by y/n. "they're the ones who destroyed my planet!" she suddenly shouted. I was surprised. It looked like everyone, even the paladins, were surprised at her outburst. "She is from the same reality you paladin are from. Her species can travel between realities." lance said.

Pidge P.O.V

I've never seen her interrupt like that. Sure, she interrupts, but she doesn't do it by shouting. Shiro instantly looked upset. "I'm sorry we couldn't help your planet, we really are, but we've been in this reality for 11 days now." he told her. "She smiled sadly, "it's ok.just when you get back please do your best to help get my friends and family away from the galra. It could be bad news if they get even 1 of us to work for them." she told them. "We will." shiro assured. y/n smiled at him. is so cute when she smiles. I wish she would do it more often. I noticed paladin lance slowly making his way to Allura. "Hello beautiful. Let's get to know more about each other, before we have to leave?" he asked her. "She isn't into flirtatious people either!" y/n commented somewhat loudly. Their green paladin started laughing. I walk up to y/n and ask, "what makes you word it like that?" she looked and me and... did she blush? "He tried to flirt with me earlier." she said as she shrugged her shoulders. "We should probably get them back as soon as possible." she said. I could tell their lance was annoying her. "I agree. I would love to stay but we have our reality to protect." shiro told us. "We understand." keith said then looked at y/n. "Fine..." she said, knowing full well what he wanted her to do. She first turned to the green paladin. I didn't catch her name. "What's your name, anyway? I mean like, your real name." she asked. "Katie." she said. Realization flashed in Y/n's eyes. "You're Matt's sister!" she exclaimed. "Yup." katie confirmed. "Ok. i'll take you guys and girl back to your reality now." Y/n told them. Everyone nodded. "Everyone join hands." she grabbed katie and shiro's hands. All the paladins joined hands. Suddenly, they disappeared. A few minutes later y/n came back. I couldn't suppress a smile, because she came back. "Welcome back." keith told her. "Yeah. their Allura asked me to stay for a while but i politely declined." she told us. I was just happy she came back

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