ch. 1

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Your P.O.V

I was in my room reading a book when suddenly I heard screaming coming from outside. I got up and looked through the window. My e/c eyes widened at the scene. Everyone was running. The Galra started attacking, capturing people to keep as prisoners, or maybe even put in gladiator fights. Out of fear I thought 'I want to go see my friends, the voltron force...' and when my door was broken down i disappeared. When I opened my eyes i was in a bed, with Allura watching me, making sure I was ok. "You're awake! I'm so glad. We found you in the control room unconscious, and so we brought you to this room." She said to me. I asked, "how long have I been asleep?" "A week." "A week!?" I exclaimed. Allura nodded. "We were all worried about you. What happened that you Came here? Normally you come once every month. This is the second time this month." She asked me. I got teary thinking of my home planet. "Th-they attacked m-my planet a-and I got scared a-and wanted to be h-here and then I a-appeared." Suddenly I was being hugged. My eyes widened, not expecting a hug. I hugged back after a moment. "I don't know who 'they' are, but it must have been terrifying, for you to get so upset. Do you know who all made it out ok?" She asked. "Probably only me. The Galra are horrible merciless people." "I see. You are welcome to stay here as long as you need to ok, y/n?" She told me. "Ok..." I accepted.

Third person P.O.V

After the you and Allura stopped hugging the two of you went to the control room to see the others. Except there were 3 people you didn't recognize. "if you don't mind my asking, who are those three?" you point to a girl with long orange hair, a boy with dark skin, and another boy with pale skin and black hair. "they are the new cadets. Larmina, (the girl with orange hair) Vince, (the boy with dark skin) & Daniel. (The boy with black hair) "hi" larmina said, while Vince and Daniel both said "hey". "Hello." you told them. You looked over at pidge and tried to hide a blush. You bad had a crush on him for quite some time, but never admitted it out loud. "hi pidge, hunk, Keith, lance." you said to them. "Hey y/n" pidge said. "How are you feeling?" hunk asked me. "i'm feeling better than when i left my home planet" you told him you noticed it looked like Keith and Allura were having a mental conversation, even though you know it's impossible for their species. You look at pidge again. Not directly of course. Through your peripheral vision. He was watching me. You quickly looked away, in case he saw you looking at him. You get so nervous around him although You are good at hiding it. At least you think you are.

Pidge P.O.V

I caught myself watching Y/n. I think she caught me looking at her too. I noticed she looked at me through the corner of her eye. I like her, but I doubt she would like me. We are completely different. In interests anyway. She likes drawing and reading. I like to work with computers. Yup, definitely different. I did notice she acts a little different around me than the others. Although she tries to hide it. 'i wonder if she likes me? Probably not.' The alarm suddenly went off and Keith told us to go to our lions. So we did. Y/n stayed with the cadets. It was a Robeast. It was quite easy to defeat. Too easy. "the village by the castle is getting attacked! Hurry, you need to go there!" Y/n cried out into her voltcom. "we're on it. Come on voltron force!" when we get there there is... another voltron?! It saved the village and i asked "who is that?" "how did the paladins get to this reality?" y/n asked. "wait, paladins? Like the paladins of voltron from your reality?" I asked her. "yeah. I'd recognize that voltron anywhere. We learned about voltron once every month." She responded. "should we invite them into the castle?" Allura asked. "I think we could." Keith agreed "it might get confusing. The paladins have the same names as you. All except for the black paladins. His name is shiro." She told us. "Ok. We will be prepared."

Shiro P.O.V

We had just helped some bloggers on a planet when Keith told everyone to look over at the right. I was not prepared for what we saw. "whoa! Another voltron!?" Katie said. (I'm going to call pidge katie so there's no confusion) "I think we should meet them." "I don't know shiro, what of they work for zarkon." Keith Kogane asked. (I'm also going to use last names, again for less confusion) "I still think we should meet them."

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