Somewhere only we know

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Insufferable, grumpy, boring, stupid, infuriating wedding. I picked at the hem of my kiwi green dress. Yes, green. Not only is it an ugly colour, but it's way to tight on me. My boobs feel like they're about to explode and the guy - Dev - my sister and James tried to set me up with keeps staring at them. I mean, hello? My eyes are up here! That's not the worst part though, the dress might as well be from the middle ages. Not the nice dresses the royals wore, but a peasant kind of dress. They didn't even have dresses, did they? But this old dress makes me look like a frumpy midgit elf. They could have at least picked something decent!

And by they, I mean my sister and her new husband (James). I can't believe she took his last name. Mr and Mrs Cox. Cox. Cox. Cocks.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To have babies with Mr Cock!

Because chicken + cock(erel) = chicks and to make babies you need lady parts and a peewee? Yeah? Yeah! No? Well then... This just got awkward.

Clink. Clink. Clink.

"A toast to my wonderful daughter and James. I hope you love each other as much as I love your mother," Lucy - my sister - squeezed my fathers hand in reassurance, "She'd be so proud to see you on this day, you look so beautiful," Tears filled my eyes, I miss mum.

Mark looked at me from across the room and smiled sympathetically. I gave him a sad smile and waited until my dad finished his speech. I didn't quite catch it all as a hand was placed on my bare thigh. I ignored the hand that was on my leg and took a sip of my red wine. I spat out the contents of my drink at the person across from me as Dev trailed his hand up my leg and closer to my no no area.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" I apologised endlessly as I swatted the pervs hand away from me.

Standing up, I leaned over the table and started to clean up the spit marks of wine on the table. During that, Dev smacked my ass and squeezed it making my arm shoot out and hit over a another glass of wine.

"Leah!" I turned to face a red-faced Lucy who was looking down at her white dress. Well... Now red dress.

"Shi-" My curse was cut off as Lucy lunged at me. I was quickly pulled out the way by a quick Mark.

 "Lets go!" He shouted at me.

He dragged me through the reception and into the car park. Stopping in front of his motorbike, he handed me a helmet. He clipped his helmet on pretty quick whereas I struggled with mine. Mark turned to face me and clipped it together for me. I felt my skin heat up when his fingers grazed over my chin. My heart beat picked up as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

 "Come on," He whispered and lifted me onto the bike.

"I can get on it myself," I frowned.

"Well, it gave me a reason to touch you," He winked and got onto the bike himself. I used my hair to hide my blush.

Mark started his bike and raced out of the car park as a flustered Lucy came out cursing profanities. Her dress was expensive... So very, very expensive. It was rented but seeming as it's now stained she'll have to buy it. Oops?

I wrapped my arms tighter around Mark and laid my head on his back. I smiled when I felt him tense up.

"So, where are we going?" I asked as I looked around at the surroundings. The sky was a a dark purple on the verge of blue that was lit up with stars. They're like sprinkles on a cake just that they shine like they have their own personality and life. The land next to the road was just rolling, lush green hills. It was basically empty.

I could practically see the smirk on his face as we sped down the motorway, "Somewhere only we know,"

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