Prologue: Helping a Faunus

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(A/N: Hello my fellow readers and followers, here is the prologue to my Blake x male reader story. If you have suggestions let me know and if you haven't read my other stories feel free to check them out,

So like I said, in this one you are a childhood friend of Blake and in this story there will be different events then my other stories,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

Blake P.O.V

7 years ago

"Blake was outside wandering around and she decides to walk in the forest, and as she does she loses her sense of direction and gets lost. It was getting night at the same time and she was running around trying to find a way back, as she was running she slips and falls down a hill and she gets up and cries as she is alone.........

Blake: "Mommy. Daddy. Help me." she is crying she crouches down and is scared, she then hears rustling and foot stomping, she thinks it's Grimm until it was small foot like sounds; she looks up to see a boy about her age running to her he had (H/C) hair, wearing a (F/C) shirt, and (S/F/C) jacket, and black pants and (F/C) shoes, and she notices he doesn't have ears or a tail so it shows he's not a Faunus. As he gets closer he crouches and looks at Blake.......

????: "Are you okay?"

Blake: "Yes. Who are you?"

(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N). What's yours?"

Blake: "B.....Blake."

(Y/N): "That's a cute name. *looks at her knee* Hey, you're hurt. Here."

........he then pulls out a band aid and puts it over her cut.......

(Y/N): "There."

Blake: "Thank you."

(Y/N): "No problem. How about I get you home?"

Blake: *surprised* " would help me?"

(Y/N): "Of course."

Blake: "Even if I'm a Faunus?"

(Y/N): "Hey, I'm not one of those jerks who hates Faunuses. I have no problem with them, I consider them like normal people."

.........Blake smiles at that knowing he doesn't have a problem with Faunuses.........

(Y/N): "Now, *gets up and extends his hand* how about we get going?"

.........she then takes his hand and helps her up and they walk out the forest still holding hands. As they are walking she looks at his hand as she feels the warmth of his hand as he keeps holding it. They go to her house and Blake's parents run out and are relived that their daughter has returned........

Kali: "Oh Blake. I'm so glad you're okay."

Ghira: "Are you alright? Where were you?"

Blake: "I was taking a walk, and I got lost; but (Y/N) here helped me."

.........they look to see the boy and they recognized him as the son of Bruce (L/N). They are close friends with his father and they considered him and his family the only human friends, they are thankful to (Y/N) that he returned their daughter safely home.........

The next day.......

.......Blake was sitting on the porch stairs as she doesn't have anything to do. She didn't want to make the same mistake she made yesterday.......

Blake Belladonna x male reader: A long lost friendship turns into loveWhere stories live. Discover now