Discovering YT/N

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3rd Person View

The Pastas sat in the living room, Slender was worried that the family was drifting apart so he arranged that twice a week they all had to do something together as a "Family" Tonight they chose to watch a movie, sadly now one could come up with a agreement.

"Finding Nemo?" Ben said reading on of the movies on the movie rack

"Nah" Hoodie and Masky said in unison

"Fast and the Furious?"

"Nope" Jeff said flatly

"Chuckie Child's Play?"

"No" said Clockwork


"Never!" Toby yelled

"Ben stop picking fucking Disney movies! Were not 5" Jeff said irritated

"Do you wanna come down here and suggest movies just for people to fucking reject them?" Ben said getting up from the floor

"Whatever" mumbled Jeff

Ben rolled his eyes and threw himself on the couch next to Eyeless Jack.

"Can we just go one day of without fighting" Slender said in defeat

"Slender it's easier just to wish for a unicorn" Jane said chuckling

Everyone else laughed along with her.

"So since there's nothing to watch can we leave?" Jeff said getting up slowly

"Nope. We are going to watch a movie as a family!" Said Slender

"Ugh, but were not a family! Were just a bunch of psychopaths under one roof!" Jeff said slumping into the couch

"What's the difference?" Asked Slender

As Jeff was about to say something, he stopped because Slender was right, Family's are just a bunch of psychopath under one roof.

"Okay, you know what! We're watching YouTube!" Ben said grabbing the PlayStation remote, switching to YouTube.

"Okay what do you all wanna watch?" Ben asked

Everybody just shrugged their shoulders

"Fine, were going to watch what's trending" Ben said a bit annoyed

Ben looked on the trending page, That's when they saw your video, with over 2 million views even though it was just posted 15 min ago.

"YT/N huh?" Ben said as he clicked on the video.

The moment they watched your first video they all immediately fell in love with your content. What soon started as watching 1 video, quickly escalated to 5 videos, then 19, then 56, until they watched every video you ever made. Let's just say they smashed that subscribe button.

Creepypasta X YouTuber! Reader!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon