Part 1

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Beep! Ugh! "Why do humans want to get up this early"? Steven groaned. Steven picked up his phone and checked the time 5:45 AM. Steven went down the stairs tiredly and started to get ready. Today was the first day of school that he has ever attended. Steven dragged himself to the kitchen and pored himself a bowl of cookie crunch and notice the lunch the gems had made him for his first day and there was a note written on the lunch. "Sorry we couldn't be there in the morning but we are on a mission we love you" the gems.

He packed the lunch in his bag and threw on his sweatshirt and walked to the bus stop by the Big Doughnut. It was cold out I could see my breath in the air. The street was dead and I was starting to wonder if the bus would even come. I was a bit nervous because I was going straight to middle school in the seventh grade at Beach City Middle School. I was lonely at the bus stop and I checked my phone it was 6:45 AM. Finally off in the distance I saw big headlights and noticed the bus and it picked me up. I looked around for a empty seat but I had no luck. Can I sit here please I asked he moved his bag.

What is your name I asked. "My name is Levi whats yours" he said. My name is Steven. It was silent for the rest of the ride. I finally got to the school and it was way bigger than I could have imagined.

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