Chapter 2: Night of the Comet

Start from the beginning

"You and Stefan... talk all night? There was no sloppy first kiss? Or touchy feely of any kind?" Caroline asks her. "Nope we didn't go there." Elena tells her, "Not even a hand shake? Elena we are your friends, okay you are suppose to share the smut." Caroline tells her, "We just talk for hours." Elena reminds her, Samathea just kept doing her thing, folding fliers. "Okay, what is with the blockage. Just jumps his bones already." Caroline throws out, Bonnie and Samathea look at her in a surprise way of her words. "Okay it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy. Sex." Caroline smiles at her last choice of words, "Profound." Samathea throws out, folding a flier. Then Elena gathered her things, "Where are you going?" Bonnie asks her. "Caroline's right. It is easy, if I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it. Instead of doing from the day what I was going to do." Elena tells them.

"And you're coming with me." Elena tells Samathea, pulling her up. Samathea gathers her things, "Wait, why do I have to come?" Samathea asks her, "Because I'm going to need my wing-man." Elena tells her and drags her off, Samathea looks at her two friend and waves bye with a chuckle erupting from her lips.


"Samathea don't be a scary cat." Elena tells her, Samathea rolls her eyes, "I'm not scared, just nervous, this is the first time we've been to his house." Samathea tells her ask the both walk to the boarding house. "Come on you can do this." Elena tells her.

They both walk to the front door and Elena rang the doorbell. Then Samathea nods on the other one and the door creaks open. The twin exchange looks and they both peek in. "Stefan?" Elena calls out, they both walks slowly inside the house. "Stefan?" Elena calls out again. Samathea looks around the area. "Wow, nice place." Samathea whispers, Elena just nods, then the door creaks open some more, Samathea turns her head back and saw the door wide open. Elena noticing Samathea taking two steps close to the door, they both jump as the crow flies in, Samathea took two steps back, turns and was face to face with Damon Salvatore.


"I'm... We're sorry for barging in like this. The door was-" Samathea turns to the door and saw it was close shut. "Open..." She stumbles over her words, then looks over at Elena, who just shrugs. Then turns back with a confuse look on her face. "You most be Samathea and Elena." Damon finally spoke, she just looks at him, "I'm Damon, Stefan's brother." he states taking Samathea's hand and kisses it, she stiffens a bit, but choice not to show her alertness. "He never mention he had a brother." Elena smiles, "Well Stefan's not one to barge, please come." Damon guilds Samathea into the living room.

Elena follows after them. "I'm sure Stefan will be along any second." he states, Samathea walks to the couches and place her hand on the fabric. "Wow this is you're living room?" Elena asks, "Living room, parlor, auction. It's a little kitschy for mine taste." he throws out, his eyes never left Samathea's figure. "I see why my brother's so smiting." Damon turns his gaze to Elena, Samathea turns and looks at them. "It's about time, for a while there, I'd though he never get over the last one, nearly destroy him." Damon throws out, -I wonder why?- Samathea narrows her eyes at him. "The last one?" Elena asks him. "Yeah, Katherine, his girlfriend." Damon states, Samathea crosses her arms and cock her hips to the right.

"Oh, you two haven't had the awkward ex's conversation yet." he states, "They're not dating yet." Samathea sang, "Oops well, I'm sure it will come up now or maybe he didn't want to tells you, because he's on the rebound." Elena nods at that statement, "We all have those, relationships end." he mumbles. "You say it like, every relationship is doomed to end." Samathea walks up to him, chests inches from each other. "I'm a fatalist." he shrugs his shoulder, she glares at him and looks over his shoulder, "Hello Stefan." Damon calls out, Elena turns and looks at him, "Elena, Samathea. Didn't know you were coming over." Stefan tells them, Elena walks up to him. "I know, I should of called..." Elena states as Samathea walks up next to her. "Oh don't be silly, you're welcome anytime, aren't they Stefan?" Damon stood next to Samathea, Stefan eyes him, "You know I should break out the family photo albums or some home movies. But I have to warn you... he wasn't always such a looker." Damon whispers to Samathea.

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