Chapter 10

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The next couple days were a whirlwind for John. He and Sherlock had countless meeting with the police as Harry was being proved innocent. The police found the emails on her computer and set to work to find the culprit. Obviously, Sherlock's report on what Harry had said wasn't believed at first, the finger prints were pretty bold evidence for the police, but Sherlock with his intellect managed to steer them right. Progress was being made and the true criminal was being brought to justice.
As the police seemed to have everything under control, John and Sherlock had a day to relax and John thought it would be the perfect time to bring up what happened in this bedroom. He waited for the both of them to be sat in the living room before saying his peace.
"So, Sherlock," he said, placing his newspaper onto his lap and staring at his companion.
"Let me guess," said Sherlock still skimming the news. "This is about our kiss."
John was shocked at first but then realised that he kind of expected him to be read. Sherlock had a quick mind after all. " have feelings for me?"
Sherlock looked up from his paper this time and placed it down. A small smile crept onto his lips. "Yes, John. I wouldn't kiss a man for no reason."
"I'd like to point out the fact you literally got engaged just to get into an office," John smirked.
Both men laughed hard.
"That is true but I can assure you that I meant what I did. Have you had many thoughts on it?" Sherlock smiled.
John had had many thoughts about it but he still wasn't sure about what to do. He thought having this conversation would spur him into thinking of something but he had nothing.
"I've been thinking about it a lot, but I'm not sure what to make of it. Do I like you back or not? I've always said to myself that you are a handsome man but I never thought about being in a relationship with you. Now, I'm considering it and I do like the thought of us being together but I'm still unsure. I never considered myself gay or even bi but goddamnit, Sherlock, you made me question my sexuality," John rambled on. Sherlock just sat opposite him with an amused smile on this face.
I made someone question theirs sexuality...guess there is a first time for everything, he thought.
"Anything to say?" asked John.
"Stop talking, and close your eyes," Sherlock replied.
John obeyed. "I swear to god, if you try any funny tricks on me, you will be a dead man."
"I said, stop talking."
John pretend to zip his mouth shut and throw away the key to prove his point. Sherlock got up from his chair and walked over to where John was sat. He stood over him and then walked around the other side of his chair. He placed his hands on John's shoulders and proceeded to massage his back, working his finger tips and palms into John's upper back.
"Well, I was expecting something different," said John giving a small smile.
"Shut up."
John shut his mouth again and Sherlock continued to kneed his back. Suddenly the pressure stopped and John opened his eyes.
Sherlock was on both knees before him and staring at him. How he managed to manoeuvre himself around with him noticing was beyond John.
"Did I say you could open your eyes?" asked Sherlock in a quiet voice. He gave a small smile and lifted a hand up to John's face. He stroked his cheeks slightly which made John flush a light pink.
"Oh, stop teasing me," he said before closing the gap yet again between them.
Their kiss wasn't like before. It was deeper and more passionate. Each of them knew what was happening and they both liked it. Sherlock pulled away for a second and climbed onto John's lap carefully before resuming.
John's mind was rushing. What am I doing? This is Sherlock Holmes! he thought but then he realised that it didn't matter. He knew then that he wanted this and he had wanted it since the day he met Sherlock.
There was a sudden bang. Something had hit the floor.
Both men looked towards the door to see a rather shocked looking Mrs Hudson stood there. A small statue lay on the floor which was what had made the noise and interrupted them.
John and Sherlock looked at each other and then Mrs Hudson. It was awkwardly quiet for a couple seconds.
"Well," she muttered picking up the statue from the floor. "It was about time."
Both men laughed again and looked at each other.
"Yes," said Sherlock. "It was."

Sorry for all the delays in posting. I've been overrun with homework and other issues. I hope you enjoyed this very Johnlocky (if that's even a thing) chapter! Voted and comments are appreciated,
Sandwich 😜

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