"Coming!" I weakly called. I limped over to my mirror and wiped away my tears. I tried to look like I hadn't been crying.

I opened the door to see Beast Boy. I internally groaned.

"Hey. Are...are you okay? I thought I heard crying."

"I'm fine." I said rather harshly. He jumped back.

That made my chest hurt. He was probably scared of me. "What do you want?" I replied in the still harsh tone, every word breaking my heart into smaller and smaller pieces.

"For you to like me again." Like him again? As if I ever stopped. But, from his perspective it probably looked like I hated him. Those words almost made me cry.

"Why in the world would I help you. Maybe I do hate-" My voice cracked. I turned around quickly, small tears running down my face. I couldn't do it. I can't tell him I hated him. I loved him, for goodness sake. I started to sob.

I thought Beast Boy had left until I felt his arms curl around my waist. I turned around and sobbed into his shoulder. He stroked my hair again, and I let out my heart on his shoulder.

"I am so sorry. I was scared, I was afraid. I thought for sure you would...leave me. No one ever stays!" I had silent tears running down my face now. My room was a wreck from my battle of emotions.

He didn't reply, just nodded and smiled at me. I guessed he accepted my apology.

After I stopped crying, I looked up at his emerald eyes, so beautiful and deep. He looked back into mine. We began to slowly lean into each other. The door still open, I kissed him for the first time.

Sparks were dancing around the room, my lips felt like they were on fire and I had butterflies in my stomach. Everything stopped, just me and Beast Boy, our lips close and our grip tight. He was mine. I wanted him to be mine.

I could see myself going through all my future challenges, all with him by my side. He was my soulmate. He was destined to make me more human, while still letting me be myself. Destroying the world didn't matter anymore, not if he was mine. I would wait millennia just to be with him again. Gar.

We pulled apart for air, before he grabbed me again. Our lips crushed together as we kissed once more.

Beast Boy's POV
I looked into her beautiful amethyst eyes. So perfect. I slowly leaned in and braced myself before our lips touched in our first kiss. It was the whole world stopping. The universe was gone. Rae and I were together, forever.

I could see us getting married. I could see us having children. She was mine. I would sacrifice myself for her in a heart-beat. She was perfect, amazing. She was destined to make me believe I wasn't the green freak. She would tell me I was hers. It didn't matter that she was half-demon. She was mine. Rae.

As I kissed her again, I couldn't imagine a better fate.

TIME JUMP: 2 hours later
Raven's POV
We kissed and cuddled and hugged for about two hours before we headed to the common room. Before we got there, Beast Boy threw me over his shoulder. I slapped him on the back and shouted, "Gar!" but he just laughed and ran inside, completely forgetting everyone in the Tower would be there.

Narrator POV
The Titans were enjoying a very pleasant afternoon. The kids sat on the couch playing video games while Cyborg and his future self exchanged cooking recipes. The two Starfire's cheered on the kids playing video games and the two Robin's sat at a computer in the corner of the room, exchanging villain info. Future Raven and Beast Boy sat at the table talking because their new additions were asleep.

None of the Titans, (except maybe the future ones) expected their two teammates to come barreling through the door, Raven over Beast Boy's shoulder. But that's exactly what happened.

They heard a muffled, "Charge!" and then a shriek. The door slid open and to everyone's surprise Raven was atop Beast Boy's shoulder as he charged through the door. She was laughing and he was grinning like she was the greatest thing in the world.

When he lowered her down she slapped him gently on the face.

"Ow! What was that for?" He said, rubbing his cheek.

"Calm down. I didn't hit you that hard. Besides, that's why you love me." Raven said, laughing hysterically.

He grabbed her and kissed her cheek. "Very true."

They turned around and flushed pink with embarrassment as they realized everyone in the Tower was there, staring dumbfounded at the couple.

"Oh. Hi." Raven said weakly. Then Cyborg started laughing.

"You're joking, right? Please tell me your joking." He said playfully.

"Want some proof?" Beast Boy asked; he nodded.

He grabbed Raven by the waist and kissed her. Softly, but then rougher as his animal urges kicked in. She responded with almost as much enthusiasm, while everyone watched in amazement.

She slapped him again, softly, and said, "Give me some warning, will you?"

"Sorry RaeRae." He grinned, and she melted.

"You're forgiven." She put her head in his chest and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Does that answer your question?" He addressed Cyborg. He nodded slowly, awestruck.

Future Raven grinned. "Told you you can't resist him."

"Yeah and that's totally the reason I ignored him for two days." Raven said sarcastically. Beast Boy growled at her words.

"Well, you won't do that ever again." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"At least until he gets me pregnant." She said, looking up at him. He gave her a shifty grin. She sighed.

No one else said a word until Rachel and Gavin came and hugged them. "I guess we'll be in your world soon enough." Rachel said, smiling.

"Yeah! Our future is secure!" Gavin grinned.

They hugged their future kids. Rachel whispered in her mom's ear, "Thanks for being the person I needed." Raven nodded and kissed her cheek. "You deserve my name," she said, which made Rachel happy.

TIME JUMP: Next Day, Day Titans are going home
Beast Boy's POV
We were all in the common room, waiting while Cassie and Future Cyborg made the final touches on the gadget.

The common room rolled open to reveal the two. Raven was tucked into my chest, and she had confided in me that it would be hard for her, or any of us, to leave. Because we almost didn't want to. It was amazing to see how our future selves lived their lives. We wanted to stay with them. But we couldn't.

Cassie handed Future Cyborg the machine. "Lets say our goodbyes before I blast this, aye?" He turned around and hugged his younger self. Raven and I went over to our future selves and our future kids.

"Goodbye, Rachel, Gavin, Arella, Belle, Gabby, Ivy, and Victor." I said, while Raven hugged them all.

"Bye mom. Bye dad." They all murmured.

"Don't worry, you'll see them again." Said Future Raven. She winked at us. We smiled back. I hugged my future self while Rae did the same to her's.

We all said our goodbyes to everyone and Future Cyborg launched the portal. Robin launched into it first, probably because he couldn't wait to input the new villain info he had gathered. Cy was next, and he jumped right through, no hesitations, probably cause he was looking forward to asking Bee out. Star was hesitant though, but Robin waiting for her on the other side probably made her eager to go back. She glided through the portal. Rae and I hesitated the most, looking around the room. They all smiled and nodded. We took a deep breath and stepped through the black and white swirling portal.

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