Story 4- WIP

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( this story is in progress, I may eben make it it's own story here on wattpad cause it's so long )

Landon sighed, gripping the handle of his suit case tightly.

He didn't want to be here.

As nice as this family was for taking him in, he was sure they didn't want him here either. He continued to stare up at the ranch-style house for a few more moments, admiring the chipped white paint and broken shutters. It wasn't exactly the nicest house, but the rustic vibe was rather charming.

Taking a deep breath, the raven finally made his way up the creaking, wooden porch steps and into the house.

Before he even opened the door, Landon could hear a woman singing along to a radio inside, her voice loud and rising even above the laughter and shouts of children throughout the house. As he stepped inside, the smell of something cooking filling his nose. It was pleasant, but he couldn't exactly place what kind of food it was.

The door squeaked as he opened it, and the singing stopped, a rather plump woman looking up from her work at the stove. He didn't realize the kitchen was so close.

She grinned at the sight of him, showing off the gap between her teeth.

" oh, you must be Landon! " She wiped her hands on her apron and sauntered over, pulling him into a tight hug. The male stiffened at the touch, but didn't push her away.

He wasn't sure he had the strength to, anyway.

" sorry I couldn't pick you up at the airport, I've been up to my ears in kids and housework for the last two weeks!" She laughed, a loud booming sound that made Landon's chest vibrate.

She finally pulled away, though her hands remained on his shoulders and she gave him a once over.

" Look at you, doll, you're so tall now, " she smiled warmly, squeezing his shoulders gently, " last time I saw you, you were just a baby.."

There was a brief moment where she looked as if she were recalling a good memory, but the woman shook her head and let go of him, grabbing his suitcase. He almost protested, but she had already started down the hall, telling him to follow her.

" let me show you your room, then you can freshen up before dinner," she headed up the staircase at the end of the hall, kicking at toys and shoes that sat in her way.

Landon followed close behind, simply avoiding the stray items altogether. He guessed that this woman was Mrs. Harper, his dad's old buddy. He hadn't expected her to have so many kids, or to be so kind. His dad was always telling stories about his old friends, and he'd heard some crazy ones about Mrs. Harper. Now that he'd actually met her, he wasn't sure which reality to believe.

" Maybe after dinner you can get Jesse to show you 'round the farm, " she began, pulling Landon from his thoughts, " he's about your age, maybe a couple of months older"

She continued to talk about the rest of her children, though Landon only really caught bits and pieces. They finally stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall, Mrs. Harper pulling out a key and unlocking it for him.

She handed Landon the key, before making her way inside and setting his suitcase by the bed.

Landon followed her into the room, glancing around as she continued to speak.

" make yourself at home, honey. Dinner is at six or so, " she began out the door, giving him a little wave before closing it behind her. He listened as she headed downstairs, waiting a few moments before he actually moved.

It was cleaner than the rest of the house. At least, cleaner than the parts of the house he'd seen already.

The bed was pushed against the wall under the window, and had been fitted with clean, white sheets and a nice quilt. The only other pieces of furniture in the room were a desk and a dresser, both of which were bare, except for a small lamp they'd placed on the desk.

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