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Sometime In The Near Future

"Jean!" called Colin from the kitchen. "We're going to be late!"

"I know. I know," she muttered as she did a quick scan for everything she needed. Phone, lipstick, the gift, and the diaper bag. "Can you grab Maeve so we can—" She broke off as she turned the corner from Colin's their bed and saw him already holding their daughter in his arms. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Three steps ahead. It would be much more endearing if he weren't such a show-off.

Maeve smiled when she saw her and reached her arms out.

Colin bounced her in his arms as he crossed over to Jean. "I think she wants her mommy." He handed her over.

Jean knew she needed to be getting ready, but it was impossible to ignore those big brown eyes, so much like Colin's. "Awww, come here baby." She took Maeve from Colin's arms and nestled her in the curve of her waist. She leaned in, inhaling the scent of her daughter mixed with the kiddie shampoo. "Maybe we can say we're sick..."

"Bridesmaids can't call in sick. Besides, Maeve will be a good girl. I'll make sure if it. Just imagine how happy she's going to be to see you up there."

Jean wanted to believe that the one-year-old would behave herself while sitting through an hour-long ceremony, but she had more than a few doubts.

Colin read her face like a book. "Don't worry," he insisted. "Worst case, I'll sit in the back and take her out if she gets too fussy. You need to be there for your brother."

Jean closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay," she said carefully. "I trust you." She opened her eyes again to find Colin, dressed in an immaculate black suit, standing close and smiling down at her as if there was no hurry. As if they could just stay in and relax all day. Damn, she loved that look.

"I love you," he said, as though reading her mind.

Jean leaned in close and pressed a kiss to the top of Maeve's head as she wrapped an arm around Colin's back. "I love you too." After allowing herself a minute to enjoy the comfort of her family, she stepped back. "Now let's go make an honest man out of my brother."

~~~ THE END~~~


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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