Chapter 21

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Jean ran the strap to her shoulder bag through her fingers as she stared at the entrance to the casino. She was running on some never-ending adrenaline and two energy drinks, which, in hindsight, wasn't the best idea to drink before a potentially deadly situation. But she wanted to have all her wits about her for this...whatever this was.

Colin had arranged for Smith to locate the source of the call they'd just received. Jean shouldn't have been surprised it came from the casino. It was basically Eric's home base, and he probably didn't even have to force Katherine to come there with him.

"Just stick close to me," said Colin as he led Jean into the casino.

She wasn't going to try to wander off anywhere. She thought Colin was going to force her into seclusion at the motel, but he'd been pretty adamant that he didn't want her anywhere he couldn't keep eyes on her. Somehow the idea of being outnumbered by ten to twenty guys at least didn't seem to bother him at all.

She didn't know whether she should be happy she wasn't stuck alone somewhere or terrified at his recklessness. Or just plain terrified of him.

Jean held onto Colin's arm tightly as they got past security easily. The second they were inside the building, the bouncer at the door who checked IDs picked up his walkie. "Shit. They know I'm here."

"Yep. Should only take a second now."

Just like he said, a few seconds later, a group of five guards all came over to where she and Colin stood. "We're going to need you to come with us," said the first one. Tall and bulky, Jean recognized him. He used to be a football player headed for fifteen different scholarship offers until a bum knee sidelined that future. Now he was apparently doing grunt work for Eric.

"Lead the way," said Colin.

Jean held on tighter as they walked into the private secluded hallways that led to the offices. "All part of the plan?" she whispered.

"How many of these people do you know?" he asked as they turned a corner.

Jean glanced around at the five guards. Brandon was the jock, one of the men had eaten at Striker's a few times, and another one had dated Suzy, her neighbor at the trailer park a few years ago. "Three."

Colin nodded. "That's good."

They stopped in front of Eric's office as one of the men used his radio to tell Eric they were there. She squeezed Colin's bicep until her knuckles turned white.

"Trust me," he whispered.

Jean met his eyes, silently telling him just how hard that was for her. But then the doors to Eric's office opened and it was too late to turn back. Eric sat behind his desk as the two of the guards moved to stand on either side of him while the three other ones remained close to her and Colin. If he thought he'd be able to take on five guys and still get to Eric, he was crazy.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon." Eric took a sip of some sort of alcohol in a clear glass.

"Well, we were hoping to verify Katherine's safety sooner rather than later," said Colin.

"Oh, I think that offer has come and gone. I've been eagerly looking over my accounts and I haven't seen any large deposits in the last hour."

Colin's eyes widened in mock surprise. "Oh, wait? You thought I was going to pay you two hundred grand? Oh no, that money is for your men."

Jean frowned, just like everyone else in the room.

"Excuse me?" said Eric.

"I know exactly what game you're playing. You kill Jean and extort all the money you want out of Katherine. Tax-free money, probably. You get rich and the guys you work with, the ones who do your dirty work for you, get nothing. So why don't you all consider this an incentive to get a better, more rewarding job."

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