Chapter 6

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Jean looked at the clock for the thousandth time during her shift. The minutes seemed to tick by as she kept on waiting for Stranger—well, Colin—to walk through the doors. He'd been following her everywhere else; she just assumed he'd show up, even if he wasn't allowed back.

As soon as her last table paid their check, she ripped off her apron and grabbed her purse and keys from the back. After a quick, rushed good-bye, she went to the only place she could think of that someone might know where Colin had stayed: Ron's Bar. It was too early to be open for the public yet, but some of the regulars were allowed in early and Billy the bartender would be around.

And bartenders generally were the most knowledgeable people in town. Like she expected, Billy was refilling the stock behind the bar when she walked in. He must've heard her approach because he turned around to give her a quick nod of hello. "Jean! Don't normally see you in this early."

"It's been one of those days. Hey, Billy, do you remember that guy I was talking to in here yesterday?"

He smiled knowingly. "Oh boy...did you make a love connection?"

Jean didn't think it was possible to roll her eyes enough at that suggestion. But if she said no, that would raise more questions that she didn't have time for. "I really want to find him, but I rushed out of here before getting his number or anything. I was wondering if you heard where he was staying?"

Billy shook his head. "No luck there. But he drove a clean-looking black F-150. The kind that looked like it had never been used to haul anything. I'm sure if you drove around some of the motels, you might see it parked out front. Sorry I can't help you more."

"That's plenty of help, Billy. I appreciate it." She didn't want to think of how he knew what kind of truck Colin drove. Obviously the cameras in the parking lot were there for more than show.

She started to turn to leave when Billy added, "No problem. After you left, he talked with Nasser for a bit, if that helps."

Jean froze in place before she twisted back around to Billy. "He spoke to who?"

"Eric Nasser. He joined his table for a bit and they had a drink together. Not too long. Maybe fifteen minutes. Not sure if they were friends or what. Not too many strangers are ballsy enough to approach Eric and Eric isn't known for inviting people to sit with him. Seemed worth mentioning."

Oh was worth mentioning. Colin had been playing her like a puppet, and he was going to find out exactly how hard she was to control.

Colin went down for another push-up when the pounding on his door started. Not the sweet gentle knocking of housekeeping. The angry, purposeful pounding of a five foot five, hundred and twenty pounds of pissed off. Looked as if Jean found him finally.

He did three more push-ups really quick, bracing himself for the storm that was about to come before he jumped up and crossed to the door. He pulled it open when Jean was still mid-knock, causing her to stumble forward a bit before she caught herself.

She tilted her head back to glare at him as she narrowed her eyes. "What the hell did you say to Eric Nasser last night?"

Word really did travel fast in small towns. He stepped aside and held out a hand. "Why don't you come in?"

She craned her neck to look at the room behind him, her eyes full of mistrust. "I'd rather stay out here."

"Well, I'm half naked so I'd rather have this conversation indoors."

Her eyes widened as she looked over his bare chest. Her gaze traveled down to the trail of hair that disappeared beneath his sweatpants.

His cock immediately jerked, eager for the female attention, but he clenched his fists to control himself. This particular female was off-limits. "Besides," he said to pull the attention off him, "it's harder for me to slam the door in your face from in here."

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