Chapter 43- Hansel And Gretel Don't Die In The Fairytale.

Start from the beginning

At that Sherlock turned to glare at me and sighed, "I've got people out looking."

I nodded in understanding as Lestrade argued, "So have I."

"Homeless network." Sherlock and I retorted at the same time to which he added, "Faster than the police. Far more relaxed about taking bribes." 

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Anderson glance up from his paperwork and roll his eyes. I just smiled sarcastically back at him and he went back to his work as Sherlock's phone trilled which was followed by several more in quick succession. 

With a smug smile on his face Sherlock took out his phone and showed it off to Lestrade to prove a point. Sherlock then went back to looking at nothing and I could assume it was his Mind Palace. 

"John, Darcy." He stated after a brief while and then showed a picture on his phone to the both of us. "Rhododendron ponticum. It matches." 

"Great, what next?" I asked in an intrigued manner only to have Sherlock turn away again to go back to his Mind Palace. I huffed and rolled my eyes, opting to sit on the edge of Donovan's desk instead. 

After another moment of Sherlock putting the pieces together he finally spoke again, "Addlestone." 

"What?" Lestrade replied in a distracted tone as he looked up from a nearby computer screen he was looking at over someone's shoulder. 

"There's a mile of disused factories between the river and the park. It matches everything." Sherlock answered rapidly and glanced between John and myself before turning to hurry out the office. 

John and I were quick to follow after him, leaving Lestrade and his team in the office. No doubt they would rally up and be right behind us anyway. Lestrade would be at least. 

Unfortunately for me, however, it meant having to sit in a car with Donovan. Again. Although this time her mind was purely focused on finding the children and not how supposedly annoying I was. 

It took us about an hour to get there, since we were at Scotland Yard and Addlestone was in Surrey. Despite what people think London is a nightmare to drive through let alone actually leave. We may have been quicker though once Lestrade put the sirens on. Still, nobody tried that much to move out of our way not even with a long line of police cars behind us as well.

We made it to Addlestone within an hour though and as soon as we skidded to a halt outside the line of factories. I waited for Sherlock and John to rush out of the car first, then shuffled and hurried out the car. I slammed the door behind me and followed the group of people that ran into the abandoned building. 

I reached into an inside pocket of my coat to find my small torch and clicked it on once we were in the darkness of the factory. "You, look over there. Look everywhere. Okay, spread out please. Spread out." Donovan ordered her officers as we entered. 

John, Sherlock and I followed Lestrade, however, to a different part of the factory. I shone my torchlight at the darkened areas of the factory and it reflected on the many cobwebs that littered the place. We made our way deeper into the factory and I situated myself between Sherlock and John just out of habit. 

I followed after Sherlock as he spotted something in another direction and as I trundled along beside him I noticed what Sherlock had seen. A candle in the middle of the floor surrounded by sweet wrappers. That couldn't be good. 

Sherlock immediately crouched and put his fingers in the wax of the candle. As you do. "This was alight moments ago." He announced and added louder to everyone else, "They're still here." 

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