Chapter 5

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May 28

Adam was tired. He couldn't sleep on the bus. All the people made the large vehicle seem tiny and crowded. Adam's only company was the anxiety radiating off the other passengers.

According to the woman beside him, they were almost at the camp where they would all change and be taught the basics of the new weaponry.

"There was no point packing a bag," she said," They're just going to throw your stuff out. You don't need whatever is in there where we're going."

"Everything? There's just one thing in here that I really need to keep with me." Adam said.

"Well, I suggest you keep it on you, then." she replied.

Adam took out the walkie talkie and hid it in the inside of his jacket. He kicked his bag underneath the seat in front of him and laid back in his seat.

He'd hoped Natalie would have tried to contact him by now. He knew she was angry, but they were still married and in love. Adam himself was afraid he might not hear his wife and daughter's voices again.


Natalie had everything she needed. Toiletries, clothing and those special photographs that couldn't be left behind. There was just one thing nagging at her. That small, floral box sitting on the bed. Before she could debate with herself anymore, she threw the box into her suitcase and hid it under a jacket.

"Adeline, please get off your phone and help me pack the car." Natalie called from the living room. Addy sprinted to her with her bag in her one hand and her phone in the other.

"Sorry, Mum. I was trying to call Ricky but my phone doesn't have any service."

"Honey, the Internet and connection is probably down. I can't imagine that people would rather be keeping signal than staying with their families during World War 3." Natalie said sweetly. Adeline rolled her eyes and followed her mother to the door. Once the bags were packed in the trunk of Natalie's white Ecosport, they were on the road to Joburg.

Natalie took a quick glance at how much fuel she had for the trip. There wasn't much left, but enough to get them close to the camp.

"We'll have to stop for petrol once we reach the city, otherwise we won't make it." Natalie stated. Addy made a noise that she took as an "Okay, cool".

40 minutes into their drive, Natalie stopped at a deserted petrol station. The little shop ahead of them had been broken into; the glass doors and windows shattered until they were only frames. It was so dark that barely anything was distinguishable.

"This is one of those places where the people went mad." Addy stated, eyeing the area nervously, her phone still in her hand. Natalie ignored her. Surely, there weren't still people around.

Natalie got out of the car and began to fill the car with petrol. Addy got out, throwing her phone onto the cement in frustration. She walked towards the shop, attempting to control her breathing.

"Why don't you check if there's anything you want from the shop?" Natalie suggested. Addy stopped and glared at her. "I mean, we don't have to pay for this stuff." She lifted the nozzle out of the car for emphasis and returned it to its holder.


Addy turned back to the shop. The whistling wind caused an eerie effect on the dark abyss ahead of her. It sent chills down her spine. Ricky would've laughed at her for being afraid of the dark.

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