Chapter 4

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Natalie and Adeline,

My beautiful girls. I never meant to hurt you. I'm only leaving so I can keep you two alive. They say that we're "serving our country" but the only reason we do this is to save our families.

I will get you food and water. I will come home. I will protect you.

I left a walkie talkie. I have the other one. Whenever either of you need me, I will answer (when I can). I'm not leaving you; I'm sacrificing for you.

I love you both with all my heart. I can't wait to see you again.

Adam (Dad)

"A walkie talkie?" Natalie whispered to herself as she reread the letter. She hadn't yet opened the box. She sat on her bed, confused and hurting.

Her heart told her to open the box and talk to Adam; say goodbye one last time. Her brain told her that, if she opened that box, she'd be accepting that Adam was gone.

She couldn't even speak about it. Adeline could tell she was upset but she couldn't bring herself to tell her about it. She felt abandoned and alone.

Natalie knew Adeline would find out about the walkie talkie at some point, but she wasn't going to be the one to tell her that all her father left was a stupid walkie talkie.

"Addy?" Natalie knocked on her door.

"Yeah, come in." she replied. Natalie walked in and sat on the bed next to her.

"I think it's time for a fresh start, considering we don't know when your father will be back and we need to survive."

"Yeah, okay. That sounds good. What are you saying, though?" Addy asked, suprised and curious.

"I'm saying, let's move to Joburg."



Ricky could only think about her. For years, she had been like a sister that he needed to protect. He felt it his responsibility to keep her safe and happy forever.

Ever since the water and food became scarce, school had been cancelled and no one went to work. It had been almost a month since he'd seen Addy and he missed her so much.

He missed the scent of her perfume and the smell of her sweet, silky soft skin. He missed her long, light brown curls that bounced around her shoulders and settled on her back. He missed her green-hazel eyes that always managed to calm him down. He missed her gentle touch that caused eruptions of excitement and wander in him. He missed holding her and looking at her gorgeous beauty that always managed to take his breath away.

Addy and Ricky always told each other how beautiful they were as a joke, but they both knew it was true. Everyone at school assumed they were dating, but Ricky always said that he loved Addy like a sister.

He was happy to hear from her the day before, even though it was about the war. He was scared, but he had to be brave for Addy. He knew he was only 13, and the war would probably be over by the time he came of age to become a soldier.

His heart jumped when he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket and saw Addy's name on the screen.

"Addy." he said, smiling.

"I have amazing news!"

"Nowadays, that's exactly what I need. Let's hear it."

"My mom and I are going to the camp in Joburg!" Addy said, squealing in excitement. Ricky's heart melted.

"Really? I'll see you again! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy!" he cried, jumping and punching the air.

"Ricky, I miss you so much. I'm so excited to see you. I need one of your hugs."

"I miss you more. I worry about you all the time."

"We're fine. There hasn't been any chaos around here. Have you seen some of the suburbs on the news?"

"Complete wastelands," Ricky replied," It looks like a hurricane hit those places. Looks like people were desperate for water, food and an escape."

"Yeah. It's scary, isn't it? They way humans don't care about others as soon as things go wrong."


"But you and your mom are good?" Addy asked.

"Yeah. Everything is cool on this side. And we won't be here long. Mom is planning to leave for Joburg in a few days. We're still packing."

"I should also get packing. I want to get there the same time as you. We'll talk later.  Love you, Best Friend! See you at the camp."

"Drive safe. I love you too... Best Friend."

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